The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

He does have 1,000 lawyers and they have known all along Trump would do this.

I’m kind of pissed at myself for not putting money on there yet. How long will it take and how much money can you bet on this?

$850 per line. I wish I sold at .97-98 instead of waiting for .99. I could just buy it now for cheaper again. I’m not sure when it will close.

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Its not worth doing, the rake is truly absurd.

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Hey Jeff, fuck you.


This is 100% accurate. We’re on borrowed time as a functioning democracy. I mean, we’ll still technically be “America” after the GOP takes over for good, but it’s gonna be an even shittier country once they’re the permanent majority. The only question now is how long can we hold off that permanent majority status.

And I’m only referring to “majority” in as far as the government is concerned. GOP policies are obviously very unpopular so it will be be a minority of the people electing the majority of the government, forever.

Trump is going to offer them cabinet level posts or something if they do this, but if they even try the level of unrest is going to be so absurdly high that it’s going to be tough to hold their caucus together to do it - and there are only so many cabinet posts available. He’d then need two more states.

I don’t see this gambit working, but there’s a chance they try and cause nationwide chaos.

Yeah stuff like buying 1.00 for .88 isn’t where it’s at on predictit. It’s about finding .15 for .05, having good news happen about your .15 that sort of validates it being worth .15 and selling that for .25. That’s basically a history of my Elizabeth Warren position by the way. I forget the overall entries and exits, but basically right. And yes I got out of Warren on the way down not on the way up. I really thought she was going higher until she wasn’t.

There was a long period though where she was trading between .05-.08 and nothing had happened yet. All she had to do to make a lot of money from that spot was be a contender.

Lol this video is great


In fairness Rudy has moved past subject, verb, 9/11.

Now it’s Four Seasons Total Landscaping, My Cousin Vinny, and voter fraud drifting down a river of hair dye.


I literally ordered a special bottle of obscenely expensive scotch today that I plan to open, in celebration, the day Trump dies. I’m not kidding.



Another lawyer jumps ship.

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( twitter | raw text )

jesus ban him already twitter

I don’t need a calculator to know that 134,886 / 149,722 isn’t 96%.

Literally everything these clowns put out is BS.

What did you get?



If he can remember all four in order every time, I’d say he passed!

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