The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

He’s never getting impeached or removed before his term ends. Come on.


The plan now is just invite all the Repubes to the White House and strongarm them into appointing faithless electors, correct?


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That and the court cases. Not sure which one is Plan A and which is Plan B.

Trump isn’t a plan A or plan B kind of guy. He says he wants all the options and then yells at whoever is closest when one of them fails no matter how unlikely.


Trump knows this and it’s why WAAF. The things he will do to punish us for defying him are only limited by your imagination.

For those who don’t know what Trump is talking about with ‘we won’. He’s claiming that wayne county withdrew their certification. They have not.

We are really lucky Trump needs 3 states to overturn elections and not 1.


Like I’m starting to think it might actually come down to the military removing him… now that he has 40 some % of the population all in on his side, he might actually think he has the leverage to pull this off…

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He probably does have the leverage with the electorate to pull it off.

I guess the military will call his bluff and like the blowhard coward he is, he will fold.

Seriously, huge thanks to the Republicans for not stepping up in unison and squashing this nonsense two weeks ago. Like a total of what, 2 or 3 (was it even 3?) prominent Republicans in the entire country had the integrity to stand up to this? This country is lost no matter how this shakes out.

And regardless of the military brass, the rank and file have to have tons of Trumpers. I think it comes down to the military. But the two results are; 1) they do nothing and Trump pulls of a coup, or 2) they step in and we have lots of violence over time.

I mean Biden has 1,000 lawyers. They knew this was gonna happen. I’m not worried.

There is no world where the Secret Service takes Trump’s side and the military takes Biden’s. The steps are:

  1. Peaceful/semi peaceful transition
  2. USSS detains him long enough to remove him.
  3. Mob storms the White House and lynches him
  4. Civil War.

I tried to call the two idiots from Michigan (speaker and senate leader) but their voice mail boxes are full.

Which term?

About two years ago, Rudy Giuliani came to a Flyers-Rangers game and said some shit about the great city of Philadelphia. I beat him over the head with a hockey stick, and the brain damage appears to be permanent. This has led to some unforeseen consequences. Sorry about that!




The chances of him being removed from office by impeachment are way higher for his first term than second or third.


The trick is to execute a plan at the exact same time for every letter of the alphabet


That’s just a joke, iron. Not a real counterargument. Please no derail anyone!!!

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