About Moderation

Uh, yea, and I’m not gonna use the search feature, but I was posting under @darth_brooks for a few weeks (maybe several weeks? seriously can’t remember), in a few niche sundry chit chat and games topics that if you know anything about me it’s a dead giveaway who I am, so I wasn’t really hiding, but clearly someone took issue with it, ratted me out, banned my alt (in my opinion at the time, unfairly) - so I asked for clarification about it and here we are. Believe me, I don’t wanna be here either.

probably half a dozen realrealrealjmakin accounts, that’s all I’m really aware of. I’m a bit confused as to the motive of this question though?

It’s more about jman and his inconsistencies than you. They also went after me for posting on FakeJbro, and then once again for shutting down FakeJbro and reverting back to Jbro after they whined about FakeJbro.

And inclusivity!

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So much for the tolerant left!!!


I read about moderation like I read the LC threads. Just something to pass the time, a nice slice of life thread.


It appears I posted from the @GrittyNHL account 31 times. 30 were in character as the Gritty gimmick. You can tell those apart because they look like this:

Or this:

After self-banning, I used the account to lurk and PM people, and I always signed PM’s to people I had not PM’d from that account as cuse. I posted from it once:


You can tell I wasn’t trying to deceive anyone with it, because the post ends like this:

I never voted on anything with more than one account, and I’m pretty sure I only voted from the @GrittyNHL account once everyone knew it was me. But seeing as you’re dredging shit up from 1.5-2 years ago and trying to create drama out of thin air about it, I am a little fuzzy on the details as to when I first voted from that account. Pretty sure I abstained from voting for a long time, though.

If you think I did something wrong, feel free to go look yourself, check the timeline, and take it to the mods and ask them to ban both accounts for as long as they see fit. Pretty sure you’re going to waste your time and find nothing wrong.

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Who brought the dip?

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As I said back then, I didn’t care if you voted with the account as long as you didn’t vote twice. I only care in the sense that jman is wildly inconsistent about how he wants the rules applied. Probably something that caries over from his life work. But anyway, now that you’re here, do you really thinking asking a friend to register here just to vote isn’t an angle shot?

hey dude, of all people on that “posse,” I will openly vouch for you being the most intellectually honest - I’m not against you, believe me. I like you, believe it or not. i also dont give a fuck about any of this, I have way bigger problems.

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I read it while I shit so violently it’d probably cause someone to call an ambulance if they could hear it in a public restroom - that’s all it deserves

Enough with the namecalling


Let’s try it and find out.


I’m for it if you are. Shake things up a bit.

I asked him to come join the forum, just as I’ve invited two or three other people I know IRL who I talk politics with IRL to come join the forum at various times. He’s the only one who gave it a shot, and he was over it pretty fast. He was a 2p2er, and I just checked and he posted in 2p2 pol off and on across at least a four year stretch, maybe more (it’s hard to search that forum since it was nuked).

If you think it was wrong of me to invite him here, or wrong of him to vote despite having participated in our community across a four year stretch, feel free to take it up with the mods and push for a ban or whatever you think is appropriate, but no I don’t think there’s anything wrong with any of that.

The way ArizonaRonFromTuscon is constantly brought up, you’d think he was a critical swing vote in a close poll or something

Wow, yeah, voting on the losing side of a lopsided poll and making one post about being a lurker is exactly like being a brand new poster coming in super aggressive referencing people’s 2+2 usernames.

A lot of you need better hobbies.

Good lord.

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Not all of us can crush NFL Swami


Is that happening again this year? I was sad when I realized too late that I’d missed out if it was still on.

Rats. Guess I’ll just have to get in next year.

Seems like a good year to skip. though. I don’t think I’d have nearly enough DOGBOT in my picks to have been successful up to this point.