Individual Economics in the Age of COVID-19

Checked the mail today and discovered the assessment on my house has been reduced roughly 12%.

This reflects the purchase price, within a couple thousand … so it may be formula.
Funny thing is, I called the mortgage broker a while back asking about the process for having a home reassessed. They seemed to not like this idea but gave me information on doing it. My logic being, I’m paying taxes on this amount more than I should be …

Anyway, I never followed up on that. So the letter is funny, because it basically gives me exactly what I was going to ask for. However, since it’s the town doing it now I worry it’s a bad thing. Lol brain. But that said, any thoughts?

House was assessed at 182k, I bought for 162k, new assessment 160k.

… how do you look at this? No plans to move in the next few years, lower taxes, low interest rate locked in, I purchased about a year ago. … guess the question is, what’s the relationship between sale price and assessment?

It’s always been the case for me that the tax assessment is significantly lower than what a real estate appraisal would be.

I think my current home would appraise about 150k above it’s tax assessment.

Yes this is typical. You don’t want to compare your assessment to market price, you want to compare it to the assessment on similar properties.

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Massive improvement over Palo Altoers

I spent a summer working at a place that challenged real estate assessments, so have some insight. The short story is it differs widely by county (they had clients in a handful of counties and each system was completely different).

Some counties use purchase price of comparable homes so assessment should reflect market value (they also assumed 10% inflation in sales price, which meant if no new comps, your assessment went up 10% a year). Other counties seemed to use more random criteria with assesment often below market value.

If you really want to know, I think you could call the assessor and they will explain their methodology. In general though, lower (relative) assessment is always better - can’t think of any downside.

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Nice story.

Still hoping you come back to regular posting sometime, but until then congrats on your court victory and I hope that you’re doing okay.


A+, great job, fantastic write up, lol @ that lawyer.


Unbelievable write up. Way to go Cuse! They fucked with the wrong guy lol.


Seriously if they knew Cuse’s frankly pittbullish personality the way his friends do they would have mailed that check on time.


They fucked with the wrong community.


Sadly that lawyer is probably very effective. She knew she had no case and the only way to win was to steamroll Cuse. It probably works a decent amount of the time.

I really think Cuse should have moved for sanctions. No clue if it might work, but that is the only way to stop lawyers from using tactics like this.


Most people don’t show up at court as well prepared as our hero here.


I’ve work against way too many attorneys that use the tactics that Cuse described. It’s simply embarrassing, whether it’s in front of a judge or just on a call with other lawyers. My poker face is non-existent in those situations when someone is making a complete ass of themselves, so nice work.

Cuse handled it beautifully. Cheers and congrats on your W.


Lol fucking rekt


Nice job, Cuse. I’ve always wanted to do something like this. Unfortunately the only opportunities I have had are ones where the amount at stake is just not worth the time investment. If I ever get a shot, I hope I handle it as well as you did.


Awesome job Cuse, very satisfying story.


I feel like if I’m in that situation and I know I’m going to win, I’d start every single statement with “Now I ain’t no fancy big city lawyer” like the bird from Futurama.


Would you care to expand on this, either here or in a PM, or linking to a previous goodbye post?

I’m genuinely curious what it is that drove you away… and I valued your input in a variety of threads.

I lurk 1000 times more than I post, and whenever I read clique-ish or forum drama, I just scroll past and don’t respond or engage… I don’t feel the need to get the last word in when something’s so asinine it doesn’t merit a response, and it greatly improves my forum experience.




You forget yourself sir. How dare you compare a majestic Hyperchicken to a common, ordinary bird.

I say, I say son, where are your manners. Did your mama raise you in a common barn?

Not sure if this is the right thread, and it’s prob a dumb question, but nonetheless…

I live in Europe but of course I file my US taxes every year, and -since I don’t make all that much- with the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion I never end up owing any taxes (which is also good because I do pay my fair share of taxes in the country in which I reside).

Last year I noticed that I got the first Covid Relief Stimulus payment, which was a nice surprise. I did not, however, receive the second one, and when I tried to find out why, there was never any clear information. I want to stress that I am not super worried about getting the stimulus; it’s just what initially drove me to investigate.

I theorized that since I did not file electronically (impossible in my situation, I think), the problem might have been that my filing never arrived at the IRS. I went online to try and find out and the only thing I could do was request a Tax Return Transcript for the filing I made in 2020 (for the 2019 Tax Year).

Recently I received a letter from the IRS regarding my request that simply says “No record of return filed.”

Again, I’m not worried about the stimulus check (though I guess if I ended up getting one belatedly that’d be cool), I don’t owe any taxes, and I’m not receiving a refund. I just don’t want to be “behind” in my taxes or potentially non-compliant with the law.

Should I assume there is just a huge delay in the IRS’ processing of paper filings? Or should I just fill out the forms again and pop it in the mail? If I do that, should I attach a note saying it is my second submission?