The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I guess go ahead and pardon the bastard. But since a pardon only takes effect if accepted, make the pardon contingent on him taking a little medicine with it. Like acknowledging specific crimes and turning over evidence that can be used against co-conspirators. He will try to weasle his way out of course, and later say contradictory things. Oh well. But humiliate him as much as possible then let the sharks have him for misdeeds that aren’t federal crimes. No pardon for enablers and flunkies up to and including Pence, Ivanka, Jared or Melania.

Yup. Jump up to here and check out the associated Twitter account.

Yeah I wouldn’t mind a pardon if it could be done to absolutely maximise his humiliation.

Accepting a pardon is equal to an admission of guilt, no? So pardon him for everything. Include the pee pee tape, who cares.

Then the headline hacks at the NYT can redeem themselves with the front page headline GUILTY. The story will simply be a list of everything for which Trump is admitting guilt.

i’ve heard that too, but can’t remember if nixon ever had to admit to anything. even if he did, trmp probably is counting on mass amnesia for legacy purposes.

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It was a blanket pardon for crimes that may have been committed, not for any specific crimes.

I don’t think it’s a lock that Biden will offer Trump a pardon.

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And he’ll just tweet immediately after that he was framed and accepting the pardon due to the evil dems and the government inevitably won’t do anything.


Nor that Trump will need one.

Nor that he will accept one if it’s offered.

Whether or not accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt isn’t clear, according to wiki.

I see sheriff Joe has infiltrated the wiki on pardons. Still trying to convince people he’s innocent :P


Maybe with enough solid evidence he can be tried for treason by a military tribunal. I don’t know exactly the rules as to who can be tried in this manner, but I do like the our chances of getting a conviction, and the punishment could be nice as well.

We sort of take it for granted to the point we forget about it, but he absolutely, like close to 100% certainty, is owned by Vladimir Putin. He has never once said a negative word about him, ever, even when directly asked to do so. And since he’s the world’s worst criminal, it shouldn’t be too hard to get to the bottom of it with a competent investigation.


I actually don’t know that anymore, I think Trump genuinely admires and respects Putin and wanted to get Trump Tower Moscow approved and have good business dealings in Russia generally, and welcomed Putin’s help in the election, etc… but it would take some pretty explicit quid pro quo to violate our laws which happily permit an insane amount of corruption and I’m not sure that is why Trump behaved the way he did…

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The pee tape is almost certainly real, so there’s that.

Trump almost certainly colluded with Russia.

Our laws are shit in this area so he very possibly didn’t break any other than campaign finance laws.

However, Putin has dirt on him regardless.

So this is why the mid level associate got a life time position in the judiciary. Her husband is in the legal office of DHS.

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Surely Biden can and will fire this asshole in two months? It’s just “protect us for 2 months and your wife gets to be a federal judge for life?”

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I’m starting to worry about what he might try when all his legal options to ratfuck the election are exhausted. Start a war? Declare a bogus national emergency? Any lever he has at his disposal he’s almost a lock to at least try.
( twitter | raw text )

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