The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I often wonder if he actually believes this shit. Like, surely even his Fox-soaked pea brain can grasp the concept of a large city reporting a lot of votes at once, right?


That Trump is “owned by Putin” is just conspiracy bullshit.

“When you actually look at the substance of what this administration has done, not the rhetoric but the substance, this administration has been much tougher on Russia than any in the post-Cold War era,” said Daniel Vajdich, senior fellow at the Atlantic Council.

Take military spending: Trump sought to add $1.4 billion for fiscal year 2018 to the European Deterrence Initiative — a military effort to deter Russian aggression that was initially known as the European Reassurance Initiative. That’s a 41 percent increase from the last year of the Obama administration. The president also agreed to send lethal weapons to Ukraine — a step that Obama resisted. And Trump gave U.S. forces in Syria more leeway to engage with Russian troops.

“Those loosened rules of engagement have resulted in direct military clashes with Russian militants and mercenaries on the ground, actually resulting in one incident in hundreds of casualties on the Russian side,” Vajdich said.

Trump likes Putin because he admires “strong guys”. He probably sees the two of them as equals. There’s nothing more complicated about it than that. Trump has valorized all kinds of pieces of shit who obviously have nothing on him. Eddie Gallagher, for example.

Edit: And the Trump campaign cooperated with Russia in 2016 because they are career scumbags who will sign up for help anywhere they can get it. If the help had been from, you know, Saudi Arabia, or Belarus, it would have been the same.


OTOH if you had crazy plans of pulling a coup you might not be golfing and watching TV all day.

If you think Trump is in the weeds of military budgeting, I have a bridge to sell you.

Maybe you are right, maybe not. Let DOJ investigate and see what happens.

Eric Trump saying “all our money comes from Russia” as the family buys cash incinerating golf courses that are absolutely perfect money laundering vehicles, along with Deutche Bank magically extending credit after Trump had previously defaulted and sued the bank, are fishy to say the least. Not to mention the Putin-aligned oligarch who gave him a quick $50 million profit on the Palm Beach house, the blatant 2016 collusion and decades of KGB-organized junkets.

Calling it “conspiracy bullshit” is just plain wrong. Hell, even the Barr sanitized Mueller report proves otherwise.


I don’t think there’s anything he can do that will allow people to overlook that he’s overstaying his term. I think its possible though that he just declares that he’s won the election (which he’s done several times already) and he’s not leaving. And then the clock strikes 12 on January 20 and he turns into a pumpkin and leaves with a secret service escort.


'considered striking Iran's nuclear sites' after
election loss

The Guardian (@guardian) November
17, 2020


I share that worry as well. He already came close to starting one with Iran one week after the election. These next 63 days really need to fly by.

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You could give Trump all the time he needs to look at that graph and try to figure out what it means, but there is zero percent chance he ever would be able to make sense of it if he wasn’t fed the explanation.

Everyone has dirt on him. It doesn’t matter.

Isn’t facilitating money laundering through real estate basically legal? Like half the luxury residential real estate in NYC is just a place for corrupt foreigners to park their money and this is basically viewed as incontrovertibly “above board.”

Hell, I think Mikhal Prokhorov’s purchase of the Brooklyn Nets was just a massive, very public transaction to launder money.


Need resident golfers to comment on the old chap’s swing


Its actually pretty decent, especially in light of his obesity and general lack of athletic ability.


This has got to be his nut low appointment. I mean based on qualifications.

So many questions for the law bros:

  1. Graduating from UF law school and ultimately getting an SC clerkship seems super rare. Am I just wrong about that? Moreover, it would seem even landing a job at Jones-Day would be a huge reach for a UF graduate. Obviously, once she had the SC clerkship, the UF would no longer matter.

  2. By taking this job at such a young age, it would seem this woman is leaving many millions of dollars in lifetime earnings on the table. Am I just overestimating?

  3. Where is she going to find clerks? Who the fuck would want to be her clerk?

  4. Any idea what the pathway was for her to even get this gig?

This is actually pretty solid! Good job CBS! Better late than never, I guess.

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Florida is #24 in the us news rankings. So not horrible. 99% of those jobs go to t14 grads though so that is a little weird.

Thomas (Yale Law) hires from random schools in a hilarious attempt at anti-elitism.


I know ~nothing about this topic, but I’m pretty sure parking your money in US real estate is not the same thing as buying Trump’s property for 120% of its value and then Trump gives the money back to you minus 20% through his network of shell companies.

Based on a quick search it seems like even though he does do this, it’s pretty rare even for him. Since Mizelle, he has selected clerks from only Chicago (most by a lot), Harvard, Yale, Cal, NYU, and Notre Dame (one clerk). The only one that was a bit of an outlier was Notre Dame, which if I’m not mistaken isn’t really that much better that UF.

Going back farther he does have some other WTF ones now and then, though.

Swing is pretty good. He gets on a good plane on the downswing–the DownSwing image position is just about perfect.

I’m sure he has been a decent golfer. After all, it’s all he does. But even that hasn’t stopped him from notoriously cheating like hell at it, like he does at everything else in life.

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I’d be curious to see a breakdown of SCOTUS clerks by undergrad institution.