The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I do. It’s an excuse to put who they really want in there and blame Mitch. Who doesn’t mind at all, the story works great for him with the donors.

It’s not a troll and I think there’s a strong chance Biden does it. I have mixed feelings. It’s terrible for the long term health of our democracy, and it’s terrible for short term emotions on our side. It’s probably what’s best for the country for the next 4-6 years, though.

It’s not right that 70M petulant people living in an alternate reality get to hold us perpetually hostage because our system was built on racism and gives rural white voters more power. But that’s the system we’re stuck in, and if a pardon gets even 10% of them to STFU and stay home in 2022 or 2024, it’s worth considering. If it gets some of them considering domestic terror to put down their weapons, it’s worth considering.

Meanwhile what are the odds Trump is ever convicted in a court of law? Good luck finding a jury that’ll vote unanimously to convict.

I hate myself for writing this post, but I think it’s true. It sucks, but that’s our reality. Flushing time and political capital on a criminal investigation that almost certainly cannot lead to a conviction, which means the findings will never be regarded by half the country as true, is likely just bad politics.

The GTO move is a pardon, a select committee investigation that’s conducted in secrecy and releases its findings in a few years, and letting the NYAG or Manhattan DA go after him on their own.

I will now accept the complete dragging I will get for stating facts we all hate, which I’m sure people will conveniently forget that I’ve mentioned hating several times in this post. Drag away.

TBH prosecution is probably worse. One of the salient factors in the civil wars of the late Roman republic was the fact that once your term as consul ended, you would be prosecuted. One of the hallmarks of current failed democracies is prosecution of the opposition after an election is won or stolen. So even though he committed literally thousands of crimes, letting them slide is probably better for long-term stability.

If there were some kind of deal where we let him off in exchange for never running for office again and shutting the fuck up I think that would merit consideration. But that deal doesn’t exist.

I think the way to do it is exactly what Biden is doing. Hand it over to the DOJ and say nothing. Then see just how damning the evidence is and go from there. If DOJ turns up smoking gun crimes that are mega-serious (bribery, treason, etc.), they have to charge him, or at least release the information publicly. Put aside game theory considerations, covering up crimes that serious would be worse for the country than a legitimate prosecution seen as politically motivated by objectively insane people.

More generally, there has to be a penalty for breaking all the laws in pursuit of power. So while I completely get that restraint is warranted for actual elected officials, it absolutely is not for every single scumbag enabler and grifter. We forget now but the system was kind of working in this regard with people like Flynn and Manafort before the insanity went to 100. Assholes like Rudy Giuliani need to be prosecuted and sent away for deterrence.


Trying to appease the the MAGA/Hunter Biden/Covid truthers is not a good strategy. They literally live in a different reality from the rest of us. No one outside of these people is going to have a sad if Trump gets prosecuted for legitimate crimes.


Lock him up.


Yeah 10000% lock him up, seize all assets etc. Ofc he is a near lock to never face any charges because the man is the world’s biggest luckbox.

Not to be that guy, but Covenant College and Florida Law School?

Come on.

She’s a literal mid-level associate.


Look on the bright side, by the time the Democrats get to appoint a federal judge of their own, Kat Mizelle will be able to legally rent a car.


of course there is a solution. first of all there needs to be new legislation where tax return release is required, divestment is required, pardon powers rolled and regulated, appointments are not sold off to lobbyists and religious groups, etc. in exchange for all that from mitch, yeah you could pardon him for some defined crimes, knowing full-well that there’s still open door for every state ag to go after trmp org and family.

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If you try him in DC, where 95% voted against him, odds are pretty good you can get a jury that will convict.

I think he absolutely needs to be convicted, as well as lots of other people in his administration. It’s the only way that we can dissuade future people from trying the same things. Guys like Barr aren’t going to risk their cushy million-dollar lives if they know there is a shot at the end you go to jail.


And when the crimes are egregious, the first remedy should be impeachment. But I don’t think we will ever see any action taken against ex-presidents if we are unwilling or unable to first remove that person from office through the very mechanisms meant to do so.

Turns out Princess is nothing but a flatulent hooter-flasher.


I think he can block a vote?

This will send him into a rage


LOL I’m actually starting to get a pretty warm and fuzzy feeling about him running the 1/5 elections. They might not steal it after all.


Will it? Most conservative best-selling books hit a list because a superPAC bought a ton of copies. I assume Trump believes that likewise, none of Obama’s sales are legitimate.

Trump filing in PA is I guess quite a joke. Lawbros?