The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

I’d take Cuomo and Schumer over Pelosi and Feinstein in a heartbeat. And I HATE Cuomo.

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Dude there’s a risk side to all of these decisions. The tech companies are a bunch of libertarian bro assholes, but they’re also total cowards who didn’t want to tangle with the POTUS. We’ve had a pro misinformation and propaganda administration for four years. Expect them to shift to whatever will keep the Democrats from going nuclear and getting rid of section 230.

I’m not even sure how you get a lower court ruling for the SCOTUS to look at. Who has standing to sue when Trump parsons himself?

Ok but an important part of the conservative project is to whip up your supporters into a delusional, conspiratorial state. It’s sort of a requirement if you are going to get people to constantly act against their own self-interest in a democracy. You can’t just get off that ride whenever you want.

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Guess I’m confused. The GOP is likely holding the senate and gained seats in the house, and have made big inroads with minority groups this election. They lost the presidency, but not by very much, and it doesn’t look like things are trending towards the Dems with the voter base. The long held conviction that more voter turnout = good for dems no longer holds.

Why would the GPO want Trump nuked? I suspect all they want is Trump with less twitter. They’ll get that next time around. Trump paved the road for them on winning in the future.

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Tit for Tat:

Tit-for-tat has been very successfully used as a strategy for the iterated prisoner’s dilemma. The strategy was first introduced by Anatol Rapoport in Robert Axelrod’s two tournaments,[2] held around 1980. Notably, it was (on both occasions) both the simplest strategy and the most successful in direct competition.

An agent using this strategy will first cooperate, then subsequently replicate an opponent’s previous action. If the opponent previously was cooperative, the agent is cooperative. If not, the agent is not. This is similar to reciprocal altruism in biology.


You can’t just create another Trump in a lab. Say what you want about the man but he was one of a kind. There is nobody else on the planet even close to being like him. And people like this don’t come along very often. There aren’t people with the ability to just create the largest cult the worlds ever seen just hanging around.

It’s not as easy as find a charismatic dude who hits the key notes. There was a lot that went into what made Trump work. Plus a lot of gifted people don’t even want that job.

Like they found the key ingredient with Reagan and they couldn’t find anyone to replace him either until Trump came along. Cult of personalities are rare.

I’m not worried the GOP has Trump 2.0 waiting to enter the ring. I’m just worried what happens when they find one.

A lot of these trends are far from clear, and far from unambiguously good for the eGOP.

As argument could just as easily be made that Trump has reshuffled their constituencies, and it’s unclear that they will still turn out without Trump. The 2020 elections being better for Republicans than the 2018 midterms, while they still couldn’t win the presidential election, could be a bad omen for the eGOP.

In the fullness of time, it’s quite possible the 2020 election will be considered as near to a complete draw as possible, if Dems can’t sweep the Georgia runoffs.

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If you drive through NW Georgia, you’d get the sense they’ve already found her: Marjorie Taylor Greene.

She’s just the right level of polish and crazy, deplorable whisperer, true believer, emotional but still a bit calculating. Every time I drive through her district I shudder.

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Trump is an Albratross around the GOP’s neck. He’s going to declare his 2024 candidacy the moment Biden is inaugurated, if not before. He’s going to set Twitter fire to anybody who dares cross him. Maybe not all 70M+ people who voted for him will stick with him, but most will.



70M may not be enough next time either

i gotta hand it to rudy. his performance art is nothing compared to his commitment to grift


Yeah we gotta hope and prey the Dems get some good leadership in place so we can finally win some big elections, get full control of gov, and fix this mess before they do.

So basically WAAF. I mean we might have some time before they do, and hopefully most dems are fully aware now of the GOP plan. I’d say most didn’t prior to this, so it was definitely a wake up call.


Your pony was chopped up for the new version of Godfather III

Trump is a coward and would never directly confront anyone to stay in the White House. He’s hoping to inspire and incite a movement that does that for him.

Still fun to think about dragging him out…

Twitter doesn’t really care about white supremacists on their platform anyway
