The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Revised theory:

The GOP will nuke Trump to make his supporters so angry, they flood Newsmax, OAN, etc with money.

The perception of competition will re-legitimize Fox News.

Nothing will change.

lol the GOP almost certainly has komoromat on Kav, ACB is a nutter who owes her job to Trump, Alito and Thomas are hardcore boot lockers… you’re basically counting on Gorsuch to backstab Trump for no reason.

I was already two sentences in and thought. Maybe.

Yep. Got me again.


The GOP doesn’t want Trump pardoned either dude. The base is not the GOP and the GOP is not the base. Trump represents that changing, which is really bad for the parties long term survival. These Trump type people are capable of alienating the donors.

The donors are the only real constituents of the GOP. They like how this is going just like Mitch does.


The base is calling the shots, though. No one is throwing Trump in jail when he voters overwhelmingly love him. Man they spent 4 years with only Romney ever opposing him, they’re not going to grow a spine now.

He must have used that mobile tracing app that shows 100% exposure saturation everywhere but Antarctica


This is the most spineless way to get rid of the problem that exists lol.

Sure but Trump is going away, they can’t count on him anymore to drive the turnout to retain power. will Trump voters show up if Trump isn’t on the ballot? They sure as fuck will if the evil democrats are trying to throw him in jail.

What he’s saying is once he loses he’s more useful as a martyr than a guy controlling the GOP for his own benefit with his base. The risk though is he nukes the party on the way out.

I doubt these powerful people love the idea of Trump basically controlling the entire party via his base after he loses, they will basically have a grovel to him for the rest of their lives. He will have the power to make or break them.

The supreme court is untouchable though, so they could let them dems go after him while the GOP tries to play defense and hope Trump gets got.Thats the best case scenario for them.

The fact that he can nuke the party is why he has to go. He’s got Mitch McConnell in check, which is an extremely dangerous place to be. They don’t have to hope he gets got either… the man collects enemies like Magic Cards.

eDems always losing cos they let the assholes have the free roll…again & again & again & again.

The whole ‘if you have to become your enemy to beat them you lost’ narrative is super super toxic. eDems are all in on that shit.

If someone else does something first, you now get to do it back and that and absolutely everything that follows from that response is on them. Someone hits you, you hit them back. Someone tries to cheat in elections, you either lock them up if you want to preserve the norm or you try to steal the elections yourself from then on.


Yeah post election Trump is going to be an absolute nightmare for them. He will demand that basically everything they do benefits him.

Part of why I think dems won’t go after him too hard. They don’t want to help the GOP and make him a martyr and drive up turnout. They will just hold a bunch of hearings and investigations that will expose a bunch of shit but there will never be charges, just endless lawsuits.

Unfortunately still waiting for eDems to hit back in kind…
Nah, better go high instead of low. Oh hai kneecapping; where did that come from?

You guys realize he’d still be able to tweet from jail, right?

No chance Twitter is still platforming him at that point. Don’t be too shocked if that shut that down the day he’s not president anymore.

Dude Donald Trump is an absolute nightmare for the Koch-type GOPers. If we accept the Supreme Court takeover as an entirely political project, which is obviously is, and if we further accept that GOP elites are better off with Trump nuked, which is also obviously true, it follows there is a good chance they rule against him.



no presidential tweets today, wow, must be working hard


What? You know Twitter likes money, right?