The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

The important part of that is that he’s going to let the ‘independent justice department’ do their thing. He just wants to eat the cake without the calories. This is thoughts and prayers politician messaging. He’s going to be talking about how unfortunate it is that people are divided the whole time as Trump gets run over by a steamroller by his many many many many powerful enemies. Biden has a country to pull out of the hole Trump dug for it and doesn’t have to lift a finger to see Trump get annihilated.

Basically if Trump is going to survive this he needs the POTUS to actively protect him. If Biden doesn’t do that he’s fucked. The political aspirations of prosecutors virtually guarantee that Trump is fucked without a ton of direct active intervention.


Yes that’s what I hope. I’m sure there are this rogues at SDNY that might enjoy going after Trump.

I think federal investigations of Trump and family are going to be moot unless the new DOJ challenges the self pardon and pardons of his co-conspirators. My money is on NY AG.

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This happened in 2018. After Senate obstruction had already tanked his Presidency. Indefensible.


If I recall correctly, that is the only primary in which he made an endorsement.

NY AG has a huge head start for sure. There’s a reasonable chance guys with windbreakers with NY AG or NYSP on the back arrive for Trump hours after he’s no longer president. They’ve had years to build a case. Obviously the feds will have to start from square one because they definitely couldn’t do any real work on it without getting stomped on by the administration.

AG’s office is shit at criminal prosecutions in NY in my experience. If anyone gets Trump it’s going to be the Manhattan DA.

Anyone with crimes to work with, time, and expertise is in the race to get him first imo. I think you know way better than I do what the acronym on the windbreakers will end up being.

Need to get Cy Vance out of there first.

Specifically talking NYS AG Letitia James. Lol Vance.

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If I’ve learned anything from watching an unreasonable amount of true crime documentaries during the pandemic, it’s that pretty much everyone believes in SDNY’s reputation to win convictions against anyone for anything. You fuck with them, you go to jail.

SDNY can’t fight through a pardon until and if SCOTUS invalidates.

You’re referring to a pardon and/or SCOTUS invalidating state charges? I’m not sure I understand your post.

ETA: SDNY is a federal court?! Learn something every day :flushed:

There you go. SDNY is a US attorney. The feds. If trump pardons himself only scotus can change that.

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Are we sure SCOTUS will let Trump pardon himself?

There are a lot of incentives for the conservative political project to nuke Donald Trump once he’s out of office.

He’s worth sooooooooooooo muuuuuuuuch more to them dead than alive right now. Look at what he’s doing in GA with their hijacked base right now. He’s a nightmare still capable of using twitter and talking to the press but he’s such a wonderful martyr. He can replace Saint Ronald Reagan and be their mascot for the next 30 years.

If some wild eyed leftist ran up and Franz Ferdinanded Trump somehow, Mitch McConnell would be the happiest person in the United States about it.

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wat? You think they’re gonna find 5 justices to oppose Trump?

President Joe Biden could then immediately pardon himself for any possible past or future crimes. When have the GOP or right wing judges ever expanded executive power with a Dem in office?


They have lifetime appointment’s. It’s a free opportunity to get themselves credibility in addition an obviously bad for everyone precedent to set calling it wrong. They like their REALLY bad decisions to be sneaky. Why would they help Trump is a much better question to ask than ‘can I find 5 justices to go against Trump’. I’d be surprised if they get more than 3 to go with him. That’s Thomas, ofDonald, and K obviously.

No tweets from Trump for 14 hours now.

I think he’s finally coming to terms with the facts on the ground. Lawsuits are going nowhere, basically everybody knows it’s over now. The writing is on the wall. Even Republicans are turning against him, and Biden is correctly saying delaying transition will cost lives.

People in the inner circle must be working hard to get him to think about his legacy. He doesn’t want to go out with blood on his hands.

He will concede within 36 hours. And it will be shockingly gracious, or at least surprisingly “Presidential” in tone.


lmao, this account gets me everytime before i realize who posted it, A+