The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

There’s a clip of this material in the Hulu version of the Fyre documentary. It’s amazing LOL. And I think that one was made to make Billy look good, but both documentaries relentlessly dunk on Ja Rule. A shame! He may never again offer his world-saving advice.

7:25 for him to offer his latest defense.

Wendy straight up dunks on him too lol. “So…is everybody in jail but you?”

I mean I was worried about tons of ballots getting rejected over the double envelope thing and the rate ended up being super low. Absurdly low. Lower than ever.

Hey Donald, if it happened I want you to know it was PHILADELPHIA you fat fascist motherfucker.

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Yeah but this feeds fuel to the fire. I do not like it one bit. They found like 130-160 vote discrepancies, which they will be beating us over the head with for decades.


They tasted gross. Would eat again.


( twitter | raw text )

Getting lozier…er lazier.



That’s not how Cameo works!


what if it did just this once tho

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“Democrats in the house sent a lot of bills to fix these problems to the senate, yet Mitch McConnel never took them up. Makes you wonder who is really to blame here”

Yeah DiFi will get that message out really soon, as soon as she’s done with her Hugging the Republicans World Tour.

Dianne Feinstein might be my second least favorite senator. Moscow Mitch will always be #1 as long as he is around. DiFi isn’t the second worst, but god fucking damn it California should be doing better than her.

The next 49 are all probably Republicans, but retire already DiFi


Re Feinstein: Because of the jungle primary, 2 democrats were on the ballot in 2018. And of course, the heavily democratic counties re-elected feinstein over her more progressive opponent. Same with Pelosi, re-elected this year at 78% over the progressive democrat. Big Money democratic establishment doing work in CA.

Lindsey is ahead of her in the WOAT rankings. I think I hate Collins more, too. Then I think it’s her and Rand Paul tied up on a bear hug. If she squeezes his ribs extra hard she’s less hated, if she hugs him like ol Lindsey she gets the nod.

De Leon got 5.1M votes. Combined R senate votes in ID, MT and WY in 2020 is 1.1M. Well at least we got DiFi! With her experience and bipartisanship she’s worth 3 senate seats!

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lol SF and the Bay Area
