The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces
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I guess the good news is that Trump supporters are on a trajectory for massive group suicide in preparation for being taken away to a utopian paradise planet on Trump’s secret space ship (ready in 2 weeks!) before the next election.


Wait OAN has been around that long? I thought it was created to be the ultra trump network lol. What were they like before? Just fox news but crazier?


I don’t even know how I would find Newsmax or OAN and I’m not going to find out.

My comcast remote has a voice feature. I just say “Tune to crazy ass Trump shit” and it cycles between Fox, OAN, and NewsMax.


“Watch” is the appropriate word for what you did for the vaccine.


I just found Newsmax on my Xfinity tubes. It’s in the 1000’s, so fortunately almost nobody is going to find it by accident. No OANN.

No, but the deplorables are definitely pointing each other towards it. The one I have on my FB account posted something last week informing people what channel it was on Dish Network, and the replies were all like “Do you know what it is on DirecTV??” and “Yes, and OAN is Channel XXX! Bye bye Fox News!”.


Fake news!

Rudy will rip this fake news apart at their next press conference scheduled for the Ritz Cracker Factory.


they will invalidate fewer than 5 votes total and claim victory, after going zero for 20 in actual lawsuits. that was always the plan.

Don’t even know if that’s the plan. Authoritarians apply intense pressure to bend reality and the first in line have huge incentives to lie and blow everything out of proportion. It’s entirely possibly that Trump is being told that they are close to cracking the case right open.

true. i meant the plan was always to claim victory on whatever they manage to steal.

I found out when people were telling me how unhinged Trump’s rallies had become. OAN was like Trump Rally Central, just wall to wall coverage of every one. I’ve since checked in a couple times to gauge the rate of our descent.

The production level is legitimately as bad as it was for my college classes senior year. The anchors are worse.

Biden should rename Operation Warp Speed on Day 1 to like Operation Highly Alert Joe Crushes The Virus.

When Trump starts attacking him, Biden should then say Trump had nothing to do with the vaccine.

When Trump says the vaccine was all him, Biden should then say well if it’s all him it’s definitely not safe.

When Trump says it’s all him and completely safe, Biden should have his people cut it up and run it in ads on Fox News, OAN, and Newsmax.

That one little trick to get anti-vaxx Trumpers to take the vaccine!


Shoutout to Josh Shapiro, the Attorney General of the GREAT Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.



And no other president would have thought to prioritize vaccine development. Genius!


I have the urge to take down addresses and send some letters. It either that or stencil 1940 Germany icons on their sidewalks.

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