The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

“We are here at the beautiful Ritz Carlton - cracker factory in Carlton Oregon, next door to the Hilton European import auto body and across the street from the world famous Sheraton apple orchard and press juicerie, where we will STOP THE STEAL”


Mine brings me straight to Unstuck Politics


For just $30, you too can send your loved ones a customized message from your favorite sheriff

Example of first birthday message:

You did a lot to get president Trump elected. I did too. Happy birthday!

Unfortunately Norm MacDonald is not taking requests, but I will absolutely lay down some funds to get a message from Tom Arnold


Coming to you live from the Walmart, Astoria.


Someone doing this in my area


Replying to bot. But omfg this tilts me mkre than anything. Hes literally cheering for deaths in europe because he thinks it makes him look better.


My mother has both

On the other hand, we had a pretty bad storm last night with a lot of wind. When I went to bed, I could see my Hate Has No Home Here flag was wrapped around the flag pole a bunch of times. The things that are supposed to swivel so that doesn’t happen don’t really work right.

I went out there today to fix it without looking out the window first, and apparently one of my neighbors took it upon themselves this morning to help me out and fix it when walking past or something, because it was fully unfurled and flying proudly.



Jeff Ross is on Cameo

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Can we hire a Cameo guy to sing the Bling Blang Blaow song?


Of course. They’ll say what you tell them to more or less.


I think I’d personally prefer Tom Arnold, but Ross is an equally tempting blind buy. This is hard to resist. I predict a few hours before I pull the trigger.

Ross will say whatever you tell him to say, I think. He mentioned on his podcast doing like a two- or three-minute roast of an amputee :joy:

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Oh man, Corey Lewandowski is only $70 on Cameo.

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Lol I figured we would roast sheriff Joe and instead we are browsing Cameo for prank message requests

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Wow Markey Ramone for $100. And Smokey Robinson is $300 but he would be perfect for this.

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Holy shit, I am literally humming “Crusin’” as I’m scrolling through this thread.

Wasn’t something like Cameo exactly what Billy and Ja Rule tried to build before they got indicted for Fyre Festival?

I think I remember the folks in the Hulu version of the documentary saying they were wild about this app before Billy pulled the plug. Put a year into and then just got shut down suddenly. Would be wild if this was by the same people.

Oh man, Sacramucci is a steal at $55.