The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Thanks President-Elect Biden!!


Still lost.

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Lol he’s really going to burn down the Republican party if they don’t back his coup.

Dewine acknowledges Biden won, so Trump trying to undermine his reelection already, 2 years out.


It’s a very interesting situation. I wonder if them placating him in public will be enough, or if when they don’t actually cross the line for him if he will blow up the party regardless.

Like even after Trump is forced to leave the WH, is any Republican that refers to Biden as president or even pretends he is going to get blown up by Trump?

Fucking fuck. Just going to burn the place down on his way out:

Biden should auction off rights to claim a location on Trump’s face to punch him. Could probably pay off the national debt.

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So anyone still watching much Fox? Aside from the super crazy ones I mean. I saw a post on Reddit with a Fox reporter debunking the idea that there was wide spread fraud.

I’m actually really kind of surprised if thats the case, for the most part they aren’t all in on the fraud. Seems like that is going to lose them a ton of viewers. Are they actually choosing democracy over revenue? Or do they realize there are still a big chunk of Republicans who want reality? Because if it’s the later that’s good.

Idk the Web site seems to be as bad as always, and a lot of what is on there comes straight from the tv channel.

They are going to have to burn Trump down and sustain the collateral damage in order to get away from him. Whether they recognize this yet or are willing to do it, who knows. But if they support a failed coup some necks gonna stretch, so I suspect some may come around to the idea.

Fox has no real competition. Where the fuck is OAN and Newsmax on your grandpa’s teevee? I certainly don’t have them on my cable package. Olds are not going to go to websites for their grievance news.

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I have Comcast (Xfinity) and both are on mine :frowning:

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I think we are starting to see a rift between the normal Fox/AM radio disinformation and this new super-sayan, Qanon-grade stuff that OANN is putting out there. And the Overton Window continues marching ever further right.


Huh well I just double checked and I def don’t get those 2 channels on my Comcast cable package so what’s it like being wrong??

Must be a regional thing. I live among the rednecks so I’m sure the demand is greater here. I don’t get BBC on the other hand.

Yeah shit is only going to get crazier from here, not more sane. I can’t even imagine how insane the GOP base is going to be in 4 years and who they’re going to pick.

He’s gonna blow up the GOP. The only question is if he does this before or after the GA elections.

I can’t see how GOP can break with Trump. The minions would defect to an independent Trump in a heartbeat and then what does the GOP have?

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I decided to do a little research on the people who live in one of two Trump-sign houses in my immediate vicinity. It’s a very nice house and they drive fancy cars. Turns out the guy is a relatively big-time civil litigation attorney. The wife is/was a dancer/choreographer. They’re pretty philanthropic, he’s on the board of a local children’s museum. For some reason all this info makes me angrier than if I found out he was former head of the KKK.


Doesn’t matter because Trump is gonna break with the GOP if he’s not POTUS on January 20th.