The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Lol I’d bet my net worth he has never seen it.

If he has his brain is basically a McDonald’s Big Mac grease ball. No way he remembers it.


Trump doesn’t even like pop culture from the last ~30 years. We clown on Obama for putting out a best of book/music/movies list every year which are basically just the top 10 critically acclaimed in each category, but its at least possible Obama actually did watch Fleabag. Trump hasn’t seen Hamilton, GOT, any Marvel movie or any other giant pop culture piece of the last 20 years.

Maybe he saw Titanic.

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I imagine trump watches and rewatches any movie with the word “money” in the title




This one is not only a lock, it’s easily confirmed. If he had been to a showing, it would have been documented.

I suppose he could have watched it on Disney Plus. I guess that would be hard to disprove.

That first episode must have been an awkward watch.

Yeah their were plenty of jokes when that was on his list.

Imagine Trump watching “Succession.”

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And if he had I’d bet my net worth his big takeaway was some vulgar joke about a rosebud delivered half yelled in queens wanna-mafioso (Trumps dialect).

Goddamn imagine being stupid enough not to get that Trump has no deeper thoughts. None.

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So, I wanted to respond to this post when you made it, but I read it at an inconvenient time.

First of all I wanna say that that trap is one that I’m well aware of because I’ve fallen into it repeatedly over just the last few years and lost at least mid five figures in those spots. I kept just getting completely taken by surprise by the honestly insane/stupid behavior of other people where they would just do something ridiculous and self destructive on my dime and I’d be left with my mouth hanging open. I’ve also seen someone do something that I perceived to be willful/scummy and then later on figured out that they really didn’t grasp the implications of doing it that way. So yeah, point totally taken. And yeah guilty as charged. Hopefully you get as big of an ego boost out of being precisely correct as I would.

To the second point I think there aren’t any ways to yell at them that are going to accomplish anything. I also think you have to meet the voter where they are language wise. The job is to persuade them that we’re the right people to vote for, not to make them agree with us about everything. They don’t have to kiss the ring, they just have to vote for who I convince them to vote for.

People suck. That certainly isn’t going to change. There is some combination of movements you can make that will make most people do almost anything.

EDIT: And you know yelling doesn’t work because you tested it on your family just like I did as soon as the insanity really got started. I remember vividly the first time my brother told me that 9/11 was an inside job… It’s never been the same since.

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lols all around but my biggest lol was easily no 6:
“… Conservative voter who didn’t vote for trump who thinks democrats have gone too far.”
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Lovin the trumpbot ever since he lost :sob:

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So I was concerned with violence pretty quickly after the election but I’ve changed that outlook to a lot of violence beginning the 2nd week of December. Trump is going to keep fanning the flames until the fire really gets going.

new tone

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Who is going to show up to fight for this loser?

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