The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Besides Donald Trump and the election, 2020 will be remembered for exposing the crimes of a billionaire sex-trafficking pedophile, the extreme and unprecedented politicization of the Justice Department, and, of course, the ravaging of the entire world by the global COVID-19 pandemic.

In other words…



The microbiologist approves.


Update on my deplorable cousin. She’s now making plans with her friends on Facebook to go to Trump’s inauguration in January. Man reality is gonna hit HARD.


Narrator: It won’t

Sure it will. Doesn’t mean she’ll accept it. But when Biden gets sworn in, Trump will be out.

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Ok God, good one.


Abortion seems more like a totemic rallying point than a genuine issue. It pulls in plenty of sincere rubes, but it’s mainly just a flag under which they gather to protect “our way of life” against godless scientists, liberals, and snobs (see Alito’s recent Fed Society speech for a pure distillation of the general position).

Recently I’m moving from not believing in religion to also not believing in “religion”. Christianity has shattered into 300+ sects, each existing more for social and psychological and historical reasons than any coherent commitment to specific scripture (though there’s always a scriptural story, with shades of “originalism”).

People need a vehicle to express that they are right/good, the other guys are wrong, the universe is just and reasonable, and death isn’t the end. You can basically use whatever doctrinal structure you need as long as it meets those needs. Abortion is just a symbolic issue around which the faithful rally. It will go away in 10-20 years with universal access to effective abortion meds, but other things will take its place. (Hell, anti-gay was another such rallying point, and people like Alito are mad as hell that the culture forced them to let go of it. Though it’s still big in Russia, Africa, middle east, etc. Before that it was miscegenation and contraception, etc.)


The Mercers own Parler has anyone posted that yet?

If not, the Mercers own Parler.


[citation needed]

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Lol, you gotta kind of feel bad for the Georgia SOS. By all accounts, a full-on pro-trump deplorable who had the bad luck to be in charge of an election that he accidentally ran too honestly and allowed Trump to lose.

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“Because reasons” being used ironically.

Eh, just takes one bad (or good) SCOTUS ruling.

I don’t think the whole Yglesias story is out, but he’s fairly heterodox and perhaps doesn’t much respect current Vox management.

He was pushing back harder than just about anyone regarding conservative complaints about cancel culture and campus free speech. OTOH, he signed the dumb Harper’s letter.

He triggers lots of different people, left and right, and probably just thought, “screw it, I’m big enough that I can do my own thing and not have to worry about Emily VanDerWorfs feelings.”

At the time, before I read closer, I thought Yglesias was doing some sort of weird Greenwald parody.

They have no problem sterilizing people of color, they just want the white Christians who make up their cult to breed like rabbits so their spawn can one day grow up to also vote against their own economic interests.


Maureen Dowd’s latest column is based on the premise that Trump loves the movie Citizen Kane, which he is +100000 to have ever actually watched. LOL Maureen Dowd, shes a dumber, less accomplished Peggy Noonan.