The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

Dems are constantly horrible at pointing out the bullshit of repealing the 2A. It takes 2/3 of House and Senate PLUS 3/4 of the States. There will be a second Civil War before that is overturned. And yet the GOP terrifies the rubes into thinking their guns will be taken away.

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I just don’t see them going anywhere. Until one of them does, of course. All of the alternate right-wing social media outlets are grifting opportunities. They’re like all of Trump’s businesses. Grift as much as possible, knowing that the business will eventually collapse. Take steps to ensure you grift more than you lose when the business collapses. Rinse/repeat.

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Most gun nuts do not see a difference between universal background checks or limits on the size of magazines and the second amendment and those that do can say the word „slippery slope“.
The mechanism for changing the constitution does not matter.

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dear LA Times Opinion Editor: I don’t want to hear opinions when i’m reading a newspaper!!

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A staunch Trump loyalist, McEntee, 30, was welcomed back into the fold in February and installed as head of personnel for the Trump White House… Since the race was called for President-elect Joe Biden, McEntee has been distributing pink slips, warning federal workers not to cooperate with the Biden transition and threatening to oust people who show disloyalty by job hunting while Trump is still refusing to acknowledge defeat, according to six administration officials.

McEntee is not just firing people. The Pentagon general counsel this week hired former Republican operative and political appointee Michael Ellis as general counsel of the National Security Agency, making him a civilian member of the senior executive service. That gives Ellis civil service protections that will make it hard for Biden’s team to push him out. Several officials said McEntee also wants to help campaign allies secure jobs in the White House

Some officials said they worry the new hires could destroy briefing documents prepared for the incoming Biden administration. Others criticized McEntee’s choices for key government roles.

“Johnny is loyal to a fault to the president, but doesn’t have the basic understanding of how departments operate and what skills are required to hold certain Cabinet-level positions,” said one senior administration official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss internal matters. “It’s actually hampered the president by putting unqualified people throughout senior roles.”
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Me: this is obvious sabotage

Senior administration official: he’s just mega unqualified! Oops!


raises hand
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Dominion CEO: We do have components in our products that come from China

Compelling. Go on.

That’s it. That’s the quote.


They’re finally getting it. Last 2 paragraphs, wow.

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