The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces
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Would love to see the Venn diagram of those upset about abortion and those upset about a biracial marriage in a Cheerios commercial.

Afraid the overlap might be high.


It’s like I don’t even know you anymore.


Trump is Big Pussy on the boat bragging about banging the hot Puerto Rico chick. Except he’s oblivious he’s about to get whacked.


Man, why is Swalwell not a bigger name?

This headline. What?

Oh shit, hes got Andy from Parks and Rec on his side. We’re doomed.

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Doubtful we will see many, if any, rallies right now. They are apparently expensive to hold, raise no money, and Trump is broke.

Imagine if a thirty year old long time Trump bootlicker who was previously kicked out of the White House for being a gambling degenerate were in charge of all the hiring and firing in the federal government.


some real winners in that pic

I personally know Pete Hegseth. Scumbag.


I know a gun owner like that. Likes his AR but on everything else pretty liberal.

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Because reps and sens like him, Lieu and Chris Murphy talk a good game, but vote a meh game.

Not sure what I expected. The first letter is a good cliffs for the rest:

2016: Knowing a little bit about the character flaws of Trump and the harmful political views of Hillary Clinton

2020: Faced with the disturbing character of Trump and the damaging policies of Biden

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Lol my deplorable cousin is all dressed up in Trump bling and posting pictures from the Maga march. She said she was leaving Facebook and going to Parler. I guess that lasted a day or 2.


Summary of the letters

  1. I sat out 2016 because of Trump’s character, was stunned by the media’s treatment of his presidency, god told me it was ok to vote for him in 2020
  2. I’m a black guy who doesn’t care about racism because I’ve made money under Trump’s presidency.
  3. LA Times is biased and blamed Trump for everything
  4. Joe Biden is calling for unity while Michelle Obama rips Trump voters and democrats violently attack people for wearing “Make America Great Again” hats.
  5. Trump got more votes than 2016 because he did such a great job despite the trump hating biased media trying to tear him down with lies.
  6. Standard California republican complaints. Regulations discourage work, over emphasis on race ignores more important issues, environmental extremism goes too far, favoring labor unions too much. Conservative voter who didn’t vote for trump who thinks democrats have gone too far.
  7. LA Times is biased, needs more conservative viewpoints
  8. “Trump supporters are racist, ignorant, morally suspect, fascist, generally uneducated and likely to ignore facts. So, let’s look at some facts.” Facts provided are the US has reduced carbon emissions, lockdowns don’t work, and democrats are the real racists.
  9. Reader very upset over headline “GOP claws back an OC Seat” says its evidence of distaste and bias against Trump and the entire Republican party.
  10. I’m not a racist for voting for Trump. The media twists his words around and takes them out of context.
  11. “I’m a lifelong, mainstream liberal Democrat”. Blames left wing democrats for being mean to Trump supporters for his popularity.