The Confederacy of Donald J. Trump: A Confederacy of Dunces

LOL he really doesn’t get it. His brain simply does not work.


Why you think he’s doing it?

I like how he’s so desperate that he’s accusing Stacey Abrams of colluding with Kemp.

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You guys not excited? This is huge for us. He’s possibly turning on Republicans AND pushing for a stimulus.

Unless he’s fucking with us this is the absolute greatest possible outcome for us and could be huge.

Like if dems could get a message to him to tank Republicans and pass a stimulus we will let you off scott free, no drama, no hearing, I’d snap take that.


I think it’s exciting. It’s also maybe suspicious. Most likely, though, is that it’s:



Surely we’ve learned his random deranged tweets are meaningless, come on. His poo flinging is not going to result in a Mitch-approved stimulus, he has the attention span of a gnat.


He’s in a position to where if Republicans don’t do what he wants he can tank the runoffs. He already leveraged that before to get the Senators to ask the Secretary of state to resign.

I dunno I need hope right now.

He might decide dems can offer him more than Republicans if he does have to leave

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( twitter | raw text )
( twitter | raw text )

In my experience (most of my family are religious conservatives of the evangelical flavor), though they draw a hard line at life beginning at conception, I do not think it’s the “abortion=murder” aspect that really is animating their passions on this issue. Like you point out, they hand wave away contraception, the same was true in my family, I tried to confront family members with evidence that sex education and access to contraceptives actually decreases the number of abortions. Didn’t work. There is other eveidence that other people will readily point out that belies the Republican “pro-life” narrative, too. A prime example is that these people are also rabidly pro-death penalty, and don’t bat an eye at the idea of a teenager crossing state lines to post up at a car dealership and murder a guy supposedly in defense of a stranger’s personal property.

I think the actual motivating force for these people is religious/moral views on sex. They have fully ingrained in their beliefs that sex before marriage is a sin and they think there should be consequences for it, pregnancy being one of them. I know these people are massive hypocrites when it comes to this, but that doesn’t really matter when you are talking about deeply ingrained morality. So, I don’t think we should concede the notion that these people are pro-life at all, until their actions start showing otherwise. Until then, we need to act as if they are trying to force their particular, crazy religious morals on everyone else. Because that is what they are doing.


I know there’s never a strategy, but if he’s really going to announce his 2024 run on January 21 or whenever, then in some ways the vaccine pressers and stimulus push makes sense.


And that a woman can’t be seen or aided to have a life in there eyes that involves casual sex.

That’s the real sin here

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If the Dems agreed to ban all abortions and make performing or receiving an abortion murder

These ■■■■■ would rally around a different single issue

Like socialism.


Fits with the rumors that he is going to start a Shadow White House in Mar-a-Lago and immediately announce his candidacy for 2024. Wants to get popular stuff on his resume on the way out.

This is actually a really smart strategic move for him to avoid prosecution. Start a shadow government, pump out anti-mask and anti-vaxx content and trade his silence for immunity.

One of the main things Trump is actually good at is being a mobster and creating/using leverage to protect his personal business and legal interests.

The others are branding and conning morons. Lots of overlap in those two.

For the millionth time. It’s not strategy. It’s never strategy. He is a moron and legitimately insane. It’s rambling plain and simple. He believes what he is saying the same way a schizophrenic believes the voices in her head.


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Just legit woke up from a dream where I was alone with Mitch in his office and didn’t punch him.

I feel like such a failure, really. It’s going to fuck up my whole weekend.


if you are a single issue voter, you just disqualified yourself from governance. you have to realize the need for compromise and consensus on wedge issues like abortion, which requires to take into account popular opinion, protests movements, more urgent needs, etc.

of course the other side of being too issue focused lies with the party. if i thought universal healthcare is the social silver bullet, i would support repubs who would bring it to be. it just so happens there are no right wing leaders like that. (unless you consider joe rogan?) but in addition to that, i would have to support shit like regressive taxation, police/surveillance state, and a ton of racial resentment, and of course i’m not so focused on healthcare to sign on to that.

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lol at giving him credit for being a good mobster. if he were a character on any mob show, he wouldn’t last past the third episode.

also he would 100% be in the process of snitching.