The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0

If they wanted to minimize escalation, a ladder is about the worst thing to introduce.

(I’ll see myself out)


Someone on 2p2 has been saying, and I think it’s true to an extent, that Jews are too white for the left and too brown for the right.

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When Ben Gvir inevitably becomes PM we’ll finally be brown enough for everyone

Ashkenazi is also a derogatory term here to an extent. Like i spend most of my time in Poker tables where im usually the only “white” person. Which means everyone assumes im a nit and give the host stink eye for inviting me.

Of course it’s derogatory in the same way “cracker” is. As in, you got every possible advantage in life but i get to call you names and youre not allowed to call me back

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Looked him up.

Exempted from the military because of extremist right wing politics and now Minister of National Security.

On Friday he showed up on a scene of a stabbing near my house. His driver then ran a red light, hit a civilians car, both car flipped over and Ben Gvir suffered some broken ribs as he wasnt wearing a seatbelt.

Then his driver stepped out of the car and pulled a gun on the civilian driving his car to the intersection on a green light. The civilian then yelled im a jew and showed his star of david necklace.

Turns out Ben Gvir has over 100 driving violations himselfs, large number of them for not wearing a seatbelt for some reason.

He’s now in charge of the Police

Is this Catch-23? The non-extremists are sane, and thus fit to serve, but the extremists who push for war are crazy, so they’re kept out of the military (but not out of government).

There are tons of extreme right wing settlers serving in combat in the IDF (higher % than any other sector of the population).

Ben Gvir is and was just a criminal. When Bibi lost all his center-right allies he had to normalize ben gvir to survive politically

Yeah this seems like a big problem.

My friend’s nephew got arrested yesterday at a protest at USF. She got him out on bail last night. Evidently the Arab bar is setting up a task force to help these kids, so that’s good.

I wrote about it in the israel thread. These guys are currently being held to mostly colonel-esque rank by the army elites, but theres a well organized well funded campaign in the Right to blame the army top rank for oct 7th and replace them with said crazy settlers

I feel like a lot of the time now Zionist is being used as an anti-Semitic euphemism.

“Likud supporter”, “IDF supporter” even “Israel supporter” are non-problematic and are straightforward. When I hear or read protestors or posters etc refer to people as zionists it feels like it’s a totally-not-anti-Semitic, just-the-facts way to hint at relevant anti-Semitic tropes.

2+2 is still a thing?

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Race is a social construct.

What’s interesting is that actually the original post and your response cut to heart of the problem.

Because it’s essentially the two following claims

The Palestinians are brown, are a marginalised group that should be protected. This fits into a well understood dynamic of protecting brown people from white supremecy and discrimination.

Jews are brown, they are a marginalised group, this fits into the same dynamic in the context of racism and white supremecy.

I see folks supporting Israel very much objecting to the idea that they are the racial oppressor in the hierarchy rather than the oppressed

Of course, just the use of color is wrong here. There has been plenty of genocides in Africa where no participator was any shade of white.

Okay. I grunched originally and saw some of your other posts after but I’ll use this as a jumping off point.

Race is about hierarchy and power, and is socially constructed.

Many genocides in Africa did not involve a group categorised as white, but they often do fit into a racial and power hierarchy. The Tutsu/hutu divide was very hierarchical for example.

When you say that calling Israel Palestine a white vs Brown thing is dumb. Do you mean purely on the actual colour thing?

For example, many people, me included, would say that Israel (western, rich, powerful, quasi European) dominating the land of a group that is traditionally marginalised, is very much in line with other racial conflicts, and has similarities to colonization.

So the characterisation of this being about “white” people vs “brown” people has some truth, when you understand those terms to be constructed rather than purely skin tone related.

Apparently UCLA’s hands-off approach, which had been working well, turned out to not be so great when a pro-Israel group attacked the encampment.

Ok real question what makes Muslims in the Middle East traditionally marginalized while Jews in the Middle East are not?

“Zionism” means different things to different people, but the hardcore anti-semites have always enjoyed throwing the word around to imply something sinister. I think in general it’s a red flag when gentiles get a little too excited about bandying the word about.

Exactly. That was my original point.

Both pro Israel folks and Palestinian folks may lay claim to being “brown” as short hand for marginalised. Both those claims have some truth.

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