The College Protest Thread: Countdown to Kent State 2.0

Apparently, it has.

That’s a bearcat, not an MRAP. You can argue it’s still unnecessary but it’s like a third of the size, not a military vehicle, and not “designed specifically to withstand IED attacks.”

haha wow they’re actually trying to provoke the cops to kill some kids.

I mean, these aren’t fetuses here that are worthy of protection. These are sub-human entitled snowflake animals that support brown people. Glass parking lot stuff.

I keep seeing brown people mentioned. You do know the majority of Israelis are brown as fuck, right? I always feel like Americans assume all Jews look somewhere on the Seth Rogan to Morty Goldman range.

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And ironically, in America Sephardim are much more likely to be conservative than the Ashkenazim. In my experience.

In Israel too

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“Brown people” is such an inartful term. We should go back to “people of color.”

Face of Israel is always pretty white also. Hasn’t every PM been Ashkenazi? Moshe Dayan seemed pretty swarthy, but his parents were from Ukraine.

Though, “white” is more of a political term really and Ukrainian Jews in 1900 weren’t all that white.

Yes. But the Ashkenazi/“white” elite was mostly socialist/left leaning. The Likkud won for the first time in 1977 thanks to Menachem Begin’s ability to get the “brown” people behind him. Sephardic/Mizrachi Israelis have been overwhelming right wing ever since.

And of course Demographically every day there are more “brown” and less “white” israelis. (Im just playing along with the narrative here. Of course it’s irrelevant, but portraying the conflict as white vs brown is dumb af)

My Jewish heritage comes through what is now Ukraine (Chernivisti now, Czernowitz then), although when my grandparents left after WWI I’m not sure they even knew what country they were leaving at that point. I was always told they were Austrian, which turned out to be very far from the truth. I gather my grandmother was a big fan of the Kaiser. Anyway I’m very white with blue eyes and blonde hair (when I had hair).

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Didn’t they just use the trucks to put a ladder thing up to second floor so they could step through a window instead of busting down barricaded doors or whatever? Seemed a move to minimize escalation?

The people that support annihilating Gaza/Gaza protestors 100% believe Palestinian=scary brown terrorist, and Israeli=friendly white folk. Fortunately not all Americans think this, but a real shitty chunk of them sure do.

I’m part Sephardic. From what I’ve heard I had one Spanish great grandparent and the rest from Romania or Russia. I don’t really know. But one of my kids did the 23andme and there was some North African in there and it wasn’t from their Scottish/English/Irish mother.

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You married a shiksa?

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Sure, I just mean that the PM is pretty much the only Israeli Americans see aside from Gal Godot and Natalie Portman.

I think a lot of people protesting against the war think israelis are white folks (maybe not friendly though).

In reality its mostly brown on brown affair

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I did. Being as there is no God and race is BS it didn’t seem rational to restrict myself to 2% of the population.

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Youre missing out on the great joy of extensive genetic diseases tests