The C-Word

Who knows? The phrase grand con (literally “big c***”) probably offends people here too.

Let’s police all the French people and stop them using it because we understand jack shit about how it’s used.

Anything we can do here to disparage the French is good with me!



…is closely related to the word that deeply offends you. Why do you insist on using it?

Could it be that because it’s an accepted word in your country, especially among males, despite its clear sexist connotations, and you don’t gaf if people find it offensive?

I’m really knocked over that you’re not calling for it to be banned tbh.

If you are in good faith telling me that that word is offensive in your country, or you are aware of somewhere else where it is offensive, then I have no problem stopping it’s usage. But again, I’m not an asshole.

I’m surprised people here complaining about the c word have never complained about its close relative.
Do you have any thoughts you could share with us on why that could be?

Wait so the “d” word is “closely related” to the “c” word and has “clear sexist connotations” but you like one and dislike the other?

Either we have cracked the case and can move on, or maybe this wasn’t a good faith representation of your position?

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it’s amazing you two don’t tire of this


No one here is disputing that the c word has clear sexist connotations in the US.

Though this wasn’t clear to some of us at first (me included, I admit), once it was explained we understood this and don’t use it on the forum where Americans are.

Lol k

A huge flaw in debating online is you end up repeating the same fucking thing a hundred times to different people drifting in and out of the thread (and those are just the ones debating in good faith).

It is exhausting.

Because people complaining about the c word are doing it in good faith, whereas you are not?

Wrong, and I resent that as much as you would if I accused you of being less interested in the substance of these arguments than their potential for exacting revenge for your mate who had a second? third? screaming tantrum and left after a long and distinguished forum career featuring many episodes of bullying and abuse of multiple posters.

You’ll be less exhausted if you find a way to resist the thing that compels you to reply to every post that criticizes your positions. Peace and love.

Edit to add: that was the thing that ultimately destroyed commonwealth - he too complained of always being exhausted with having to defend himself. Obviously we have different opinions on the topic but I fear something similar could happen to you and would hate to see another flame out.

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I agree and do appreciate this post. P&L to you too.

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Is this really this important?

Why isn’t this movement getting more steam at this point? Why can’t we all just move towards a peace?

Both sides are not going to be in agreement but I think everyone wants to come to a place where we don’t have to actively ignore this shit.

I don’t have twitter because following the drama is a weakness of mine. I don’t have the self control to avoid these dumpster fires.

I understand we will have dumpster fires every once in a while but it’s to often and ruining my enjoyment of the forum.


One of the biggest problems is that there are people still throwing gas on the flames and tossing insults around who see no problem with doing it (or don’t realize they are doing it) because they think they are on the side of righteousness, or something akin to that. And some of those people are moderators, which is going to make solving this even more difficult.


Sure. Censor the C word. /end thread.



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I agree and the only explanation I can think of is just ego at this point.


Thus far you’ve gotten sufficient conditions for detente from me and jman.