The C-Word

Any suffix list jmakin can think of will be subverted by cun*ing British inventiveness.

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Cuse was a quality, high volume poster to those in his support click. To others he was a pain in the ass main child who rehash and dig up shit constantly. If he didn’t get his attention quota for the days or if u , omg, said something he disagreed with, the drama machine would ramp up. There has been much less drama in the threads he used to live in.


I can mbe help with the regex after work.

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This is delicious.

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Sounds like someone’s still bitter his most obvious gimmick in the world got caught.

Acoc*nt is a classic, used to do it a lot by accident. Getting booked on one count of being a ■■■■ and three counts of being an accessory to being a ■■■■■

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My biggest fear is that one of these days I will sign off an email as “Retards”. I have accidentally typed that a few times, but caught it before I sent it.

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Another doozy.

Lighten up, bro.

Do you not have anything better to do with yourself right now?

they do, I just can’t do it right now

If you need to ask the question, you probably know the answer. But I’m guessing it was rhetorical.

I’ve never asked for you to be banned, and you come out with some stuff on much more serious subjects that might be deemed ban-worthy.

If you’re bored enough that you think pointing out typos is the best use of your time you can come up with, it’s time to turn slow mode back on.

Did you just totally miss the fucking point? The plural of “it” is “its” not “it’s”. That’s the joke.

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I’m happy to volunteer to restrict myself. No need to punish other posters for my posting.

Man, do you even have to ask.

When there are complaints via a number of flags about use of the c word, some of them in P by another poster and not even in this thread, and a mod charges into this thread and threatens me that if I type the c word I’ll be banned regardless of community rules I’ll complain about unfair modding.

You still didn’t answer the question I asked about whether you thought that was good or bad modding? Perhaps you could now?

It’s not a fucking war crime, calm down.


It was fine. The poll above leaves lots of leeway to ban people who use the c-word. You don’t have carte blanche to troll the mods with the term even if it’s not subject to automatic moderation.

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