The Battle For Female Bodily Autonomy: The Right's War on Women

These are the same people that want abortion clinics closed because they’re unsafe.

Sure, colonoscopies and Caesarians are both medical procedures.


Nah there’s surgical specialty centers that do more serious stuff but yeah I’m in agreement this is probably not a good idea

What the actual fuck

Oh, I suppose you would have your Caesarians in the hospital where the Nazi doctors force you to get vaccinations? Wake up sheeple.

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The people have spoken.

“The people” and “Republican primary voters” are hardly the same thing.

Fair enough, but the people are morons.

The Texas Supreme Court said a medical exemption in the state’s abortion ban applies only when a person is at risk of death or serious physical impairment, ruling Friday against women who sued the state with claims that the ban had put their health at risk.

The state’s highest court, which is made up entirely of Republicans, reversed a lower court’s order that broadened the exception to circumstances in which a pregnancy is “unsafe” for the pregnant person or when there is a fetal condition making it unlikely the fetus will survive.

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This seems like a quip but there is a point at which the populace is just too ill informed and too ignorant to be considered “voters” in the Athenian sense. Don’t know if America is there but it’s on the path at a minimum.

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On one hand, I’m kinda glad that Oklahoma is going to find out that there are consequences for it’s actions. Otoh, there’s a good chance that politicians will decide to stick to their guns and pass up the money, in which case the brunt of the consequences will be borne by women, especially poorer ones.

A lot of them don’t want birth control or any kind of education either and will see this as a win.

Yeah, that’s why I suspect that they’ll just pass on the money, at least for now.

The left shares true stories about people dying due to backward hillbilly policy, while the right fabricates racist stories about eating pets. Here’s why this is bad news for Kamala Harris.