The Battle For Female Bodily Autonomy: The Right's War on Women

It’s just part of God’s plan.

Yeah the absolute best-case scenario is they think “oh that’s too bad but it’s a fair sacrifice to save all the babies”. But most don’t even think that.

They will only care about it if it affect them personally.

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I don’t get the cases where the baby has no heartbeat. It has to be the cruelty. One of these doctors needs to take a stand.

It sounds like you absolutely get it.


I’m not so sure on this one.

Obgyn is kinda weird about doing D and Cs in the first trimester. The details matter here for them. They will let people sit for a week sometimes.

The second ER doc not giving what I assume is misoprostol is weird for a couple reasons. The obgyn on call should have been able to do it without an ER visit. The obgyn on call should have been able to do it at the ER visit. Is it strictly medically necessary? Not 100%, but I think so.

While the law is an issue, it’s not like they weren’t providing care here. They already gave the “abortion pill”. The D&C was delayed, and that happens. Sounds like she didn’t even get blood? IDK.

Tough to tell from the story exactly, but the whole process goes that way sometimes while everyone is following the standard of care and has laws that are just. Spontaneous abortions can be rough as hell, and it’s frankly not talked about enough how common they are

Two abortion-inducing drugs could soon be reclassified as controlled and dangerous substances in Louisiana under a first-of-its-kind bill that received final legislative passage Thursday and is expected to be signed into law by the governor.

Supporters of the reclassification of mifepristone and misoprostol, commonly known as “abortion pills,” say it would protect expectant mothers from coerced abortions. Numerous doctors, meanwhile, have said it will make it harder for them to prescribe the medicines that they use for other important reproductive health care needs, and could delay treatment.

Louisiana currently has a near-total abortion ban in place, applying both to surgical and medical abortions. The GOP-dominated Legislature’s push to reclassify mifepristone and misoprostol could possibly open the door for other Republican states with abortion bans that are seeking tighter restrictions on the drugs.

Current Louisiana law already requires a prescription for both drugs and makes it a crime to use them to induce an abortion in most cases. The bill would make it harder to obtain the pills by placing it on the list of Schedule IV drugs under the state’s Uniform Controlled Dangerous Substances Law.

Coerced abortions? Wtf?

They don’t believe there is another kind.

It’s always projection…


Don’t forget the baked in hypocrisy.

The in-groups will always have access to reproductive healthcare.

The dirty poors? Not so much.

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Clearly not a Sinclair station.

Looks like this Clark fellow went to the Mehdi Hasan school of journalism. Hopefully he gets a shot at some bigger fish. Doubt he will though. They will just duck him.

R guy fucked up there, you’re just supposed to say “that was differerent” (his supporters will know what was “different”) or go on the attack “this kind of gotcha journalism is why no one trusts the mainstream media anymore!”. Never explain,

Nothing to see here, move along…

Like what? Why? Is the point to make it so that anybody close to having an abortion can just be cut open and have the baby ripped out?

It’s a money grab for private groups. Nothing to do with abortions.

Horribly “life” inconsistent. But then they don’t care about the baby after it’s born. I’d expect that strip mall surgery center cesareans would not be as safe???

Probably not. They do it for other types of surgery and it’s not as safe