The Battle For Female Bodily Autonomy: The Right's War on Women

Looks like Kavanaugh is going to get to rule sooner rather than later on whether a resident of a state that bans abortion can be punished for going somewhere it’s legal, and whether the providers can be charged too.

Nancy better prepare another poem.

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I don’t see any way they can prevent women of means from traveling and doing whatever the fuck they want. The day American citizens need traveling papers in the USA is the day to take up arms and it’s a shame the left doesn’t have that in them

This is an assault on all women to be sure (and men if you think about it for more than 2 seconds), but it’s mostly an assault on the poor and women without means. They are the ones most likely to die, miss cancer treatments, and everything else under the fucking sun from this ridiculous SCOTUS ruling


On another front, I wonder how this is going to effect Christian Taliban states economically. I’d think there would be a mass exodus from these states, both from residents and businesses. Can they survive just on exports and online? I would think this should destroy them financially, no?

Is it dumb to start planning mass boycotts? I will straight up become vegan and stop eating oranges (TX, FL) if I have to. Too simplistic and dumb?

Can’t speak to this source but anecdotally, I have a couple of physicians in the family and they’re constantly getting job offers from these armpits.

Taxes? :thinking: Freedom :thinking: Taxes? :thinking: Freedom :thinking:

I’m sure you’re right. Money usually wins out. I also realize boycotts hurt everyone including innocents. But if violence isn’t the answer, there has to be another plan to fight back against these zealots overrunning our country. They are after all, a minority, which makes everything even sicker

And please no one say vote blue harder next time. I’m more pissed off at Democratic leadership than I am Republicans. McConnell did exactly what he said he was going to do

Vote Blue harder next time.

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The brain drain is going to be incredible. No sane person with any means to leave is going to want to raise their daughter in an anti-abortion state, how tf do you recruit talent to work in a state like Ohio? They kick gay marriage back to the states and it gets even worse. Probably makes the game very soft for me.

It will be interesting to see what happens when people vote with their feet over the next few years

Top 5 fastest growing states include Idaho, Arizona, Texas, and Utah.

People with little means will always flock to places where the cost of living is low because they have to.

The damage for places like Ohio is going to be a generational brain drain in a state that’s been trying to spin up semiconductor and other tech industries. How do you recruit talent? Who feels safe sending their daughter to Ohio State for an engineering degree? Educated workers will be willing to pay a thick premium to live in blue states. Right now the pitch for these workers is that the Midwest has a low cost of living but if your daughter can’t get potential life-saving healthcare that changes the calculus.

Or your wife, or you (as women can make up their own minds on the issue). There are a ton of abortions that stem from planned, wanted pregnancies. And even before this ruling, there were troubles getting medically necessary care for natural, common miscarriages. Now not only will women in red states have difficulty getting that care, they likely won’t seek it out lest they become a suspect in a murder investigation, having to prove that they didn’t secretly get abortion meds in the mail or whatever.

That’s interesting, considering how many immigrants from low cost of living countries flock to the US.

There are worse places to live than Arizona, and it’s not like Mexico is super-progressive on abortion rights. People will still immigrate to the US regardless.

Of course. I’m just saying that cost of living isn’t the primary determinant. Or, perhaps, abortion rights (we’ll see). I think it’s most likely (perceived) opportunity.

I can’t back this up, but my sense is the overall abortion rate isn’t
even going to change much. I guarantee the next politician who gets an intern pregnant will find a way as will anyone with money. Not much planning needed. It’s the poor who will be devastated by this. It’s just another bomb dropped in the war of the classes

I’m all for letting the poor be oppressed until they reach the point of erecting guillotines.

So what happens if someone offers to take that 10 yo girl from Ohio on vacation (assuming everyone is willing), and she is no longer pregnant when she returns claiming a miscarriage? What exactly, will happen?

Someone needs to start testing these laws

Oh, great. We’ve got a “choose life” caravan circling the block, honking horns. So far just 2 SUVs decked out with flags and slogans. I hope they don’t have a lot of friends on the way.

Oh. Apparently there’s a rally too. I can hear chants. Why does nobody tell me these things in advance? Might be a good time for a walk even though it’s hot.


Man bites dog. Young, non-religious women fight against bodily autonomy. Point NYT.