The Ad Thread

It’s fucking impossible to get away from an advertisement once the algorithm thinks you want this product.

I keep getting shit for mud water, excuse me, I mean MUD/WTR

So I blocked the ad and refreshed my feed

First ad is a different company advertising mudwater

Block that shit and refresh my feed

First ad is the CEO of mudwater

Block and refresh

Try a different mushroom coffee!

Block and refresh

How about some mushroom pills?

Block and refresh

Try a different different mushroom coffee!

Eventually this is gonna lead to me being naked in the street with a gun screaming “what do you want from me?” into my phone while I use Apple Pay to buy a pack of mudwater off Instagram before killing myself, because it’s the only way to make the voices in my head stop telling me to buy a mushroom coffee.

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A selection of the bat shit crazy amazon ads I’ve got over the last month

Instagram thinks I’m gay?

Every single fucking ad!

Missed this earlier. As someone who works for Wayfair I can confirm they are real. Facebooks, Googles, etc algorithm is optimizing a bit too much for clicks (people click more on crazy shit). We’re still making improvements on that.

One day I’ll be at my McMansion in the burbs on a hot day, grab a water bottle off the novelty fire escape organizer, use the foot pedal to turn on my industrial sized water bottle filler, then jump in the pool and slide the water bottle into the chair arm rest and be ready to chill


I clicked on one of those scammy Instagram ads like “How to make $4000 a day teaching martial arts” and clicked around on the page a few times to make fun of all the bullshit on the page, and now every single fucking ad is some scam course on how to grow your personal training business

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What just showed up on my Facebook page:


Absolutely pointless commercial.

If we were watching tv and a minute after this commercial aired I asked you what product John Travolta was selling there is no chance you’d remember.

Imagine starting your own odor spray company, expertly crafting your brand to reflect who you are as a person, executing a grassroots marketing strategy, painstakingly convincing mom and pop pet stores to stock your products only to realize that the POOP company has sold a million bottles for $25 a piece

Oh ya what’s your brand? “Lil Max’s Accident Annihilator” and you drew all the artwork because you husband loves your drawings of puppies and you imagine your dog as a superhero fighting stains, well things are different now, all the morons want POOP spray, and they’re willing to pay any price to get it.

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Just realized this is basically the snot boogie joke in the first episode of the wire, apologies to David Simon.

a “fun/funny greeting card” company scrapes phrases you google and mocks them onto a card algorithmically?

it makes logical sense as a joke birthday card. it’s stupid but it could exist. seems more likely he was googling “funny greeting cards” than googling “balls deep inside” or some shit

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I agree but I hate Jason Whitlock so I like to think the later.

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It’s 12:15 am and I can’t decide if I’m hallucinating or not



It’s simultaneously batshit and amazing

I’ve watched it at least 20 times

Thats fucking incredible.

What does Creed have to do with paramount, just Mountain + Creed = Higher?

Also, Probst air guitaring with his lit torch Chefs Kiss