Everyone screencap the unhinged ads you get and post them here
Lol, “Hight Adjustable.”
I could use that for drum practice
I need that!
I may need to allow ads
I don’t understand, I’ve never gotten ads even 5 percent as crazy as this shit. And these are for legitimate sites like Amazon and Wayfair?
I keep getting an ad for whatever this is, weird.
Or Norman Bates.
I’ve been getting ads for this a lot. Maybe 20 year old me would put it up on the wall.
This actually seems the most practical. It’s a bath for renters, or anyone who wants a bath without having to build one.
Pretty sure if AMZ is suggesting these ads it means you recently purchased one before the ad showed up.
I don’t appreciate amazon and Instagram thinking I’m a total psychopath. I look at surfing clips on Instagram and shop for shampoo on Amazon, I swear!
My “Not involved in human trafficking a person in my basement that I keep alive with survival tabs and tie them up so we can play ping pong” T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.