The 2024 Hurricane Season - Helene Heading to FLA Panhandle

They said they knocked everyone off and told them they could get out.

Well the important thing is that the corporate financial entity maximized their profits before this thing hit. Thank God for that. God Bless America!

I mean it doesn’t sound like he is the bad guy here but letting employees leave at 2pm the day before is not even the bare minimum.

That was when he left, I think. Didn’t seem like he called them and told them to leave when they were well out of town or anything like that. But yeah, no one over there should have felt obligated to stay for work.

They let them go 3 hours early. C’mon. Not a single person here would have forced a single person to come into work yesterday if we owned that business. They’re assholes for it. They should have been helping people arrange to evacuate, encouraging everyone to do so, and offering them a day or two of free PTO to accommodate them if needed.

People need to find an accommodation in a safe area, which is obviously easier said than done when hundreds of thousands of people are under evacuation orders and you live on a peninsula. Then they need to pack bags and batton down the hatches. Then they need to leave and finish the drive before the storm gets there. 3 hours is a joke.


You don’t know what you are talking about, and you’re just looking for people to hate.

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Some people ITT are vastly overestimating the ease of FEMA/Insurance processes and the amounts that will get paid out, even for well off people. People are going to get fucked for sure.

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Why isn’t there a mega-like option? Liking feels inadequate.

Yup. My mother’s house got fucked during Superstorm Sandy and since her home was defined as a “temporary residence” (although she lived in it full-time), she actually didn’t get a payout at all.

Did she have housing elsewhere, or did they just say something like “a lot of residences in this area are vacation rentals so the entire area is defined as temporary”?

Yeah the Nola people I’ve talked to about this kind of stuff were not super enthusiastic about this process.

The latter. Not sure if those were the exact words but covers what I recall hearing from her.

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gg Fort Myers

Absolutely terrible

Most insurance doesn’t cover flood damage. In Katrina, there was a lot of fighting over whether damage was caused by wind or flooding.

Most seaside property owners and lots of people near rivers have federal flood insurance.

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Guaranteed he’s learned from Christi and 100% will never pictured with Biden in spite of all of the federal support he’s going to be getting

Holy shit


Treme was a tough watch. All these people got so f by the insurance companies.

What the fuck