The 2024 Hurricane Season - Helene Heading to FLA Panhandle

I think that camera is completely underwater now.

That is so much water moving so fast. I can’t really process it.

Well, I guess the hurricane offers an opportunity for improvement.

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I am 100% sure that pouring money into rebuilding homes on the Florida coastline is massively stupid, I am 100% sure we’re going to keep doing it for decades, and I am 100% sure that the Republican Party and its supporters are spreading conspiracy theory bullshit to prop up climate change deniers to keep all of that happening. So I don’t have to look too hard for people to hate.

Anyone who buys a house in Florida within like 10 miles of the coast without looking at flood zone maps is either an idiot who deserves to lose their home when the next hurricane hits, or someone so wealthy that they don’t care about the potential loss. In either case, I don’t care.

The people I feel bad for are the poor and working class people who don’t have much choice, and through bad luck and happenstance ended up in vulnerable areas. But even then, while they deserve help, that help should also be to relocate them elsewhere rather than lighting taxpayer money on fire.

FEMA spent $120 billion after Katrina, for example. Regardless of how hard it is, and how many people are going to get fucked, as a country we’re just absolutely lighting money on fire after these storms. $120 billion is equivalent to six years of CHIP, which the GOP now tries to block when it is up for renewal, and we just throw that money into the ocean every few years on a hurricane without any national discussion on whether we’re doing something stupid.

So this is a pic my buddy’s friend just sent him from the second story of his house. Evidently he lives a few miles from the water in Ft Myers.

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I agree. Just because some poor and middle class people didn’t and won’t get a fair shake from the SOCIALISM safety net doesn’t mean that the government isn’t going to incinerate piles of tax payer money. The most likely scenario is that the government expenditures are sky high to help the well off “recover” from the disaster while tut tutting the poor and middle class for not having any Personal Responsibility. This is like 'Merica 101 stuff.

Mortgages require federal flood insurance if you’re in the 100yr zone.

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Which is subsidized by taxpayers living elsewhere. Every one of us is helping to pay for these oceanfront homes to keep being rebuilt. I for one am very excited about my money going to some rich deplorable fuckface who decided climate change is fake and bought a Gulf coast home in Florida.

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And we’re not actually helping the poor and middle class people in these areas by essentially forcing them to stay there and rebuild.

I think this is true. My understanding is the federal program only exists because private insurers won’t sell it because the risk is not sustainable.



As always, LWT covers the issues with flood insurance

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Yes, they’ve overhauled it, but it’s being done in stages that take 10 years to fully be implemented, and even then it may still be in the red and relying on taxpayer subsidy. Like, we’re probably all subsidizing the insurance on Mar-a-Lago, for example.

Ha! Not me, in The People’s Republic of Canada my tax dollars are used to provide barely adequate health care and to protect our beloved national hockey heroes from facing rape charges. THE SYSTEM WORKS!


Whole communities are being actively destroyed, not just rich people beach mansions.

Few being like more than 3?

Don’t know.

Does he have a way to get to the roof? I think they are still expecting another few feet of storm surge in the area