The 2020 Republican National Convention: There will be blood. And soil.

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Who the fuck is this for? I’m so confused. This is for the super pro immigration wing of the RNC?

people had such high hopes for tiffany maybe she really didn’t have half of trump’s genes, he mostly had nothing to do with her etc

but nah

This is the, “I have black and brown friends, I’m not a racist,” part.


its to own the libs showing trump isnt racist

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lol he pronounces country names so fucking weird

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At least he didn’t just say darky so he cleared that bar.

allahu akbarcide



Oh this whole thing is taped? This b-roll is here because they edited out part of the speech, I bet. He probably fucked it up and did multiple takes.

our culture and traditions are now yours to uphold and live by

Maybe that’s what they edited out, but it’s not over yet…

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Oh good

Good thing he clarified he meant America.

As the son of immigrants with a hard to pronounce name, this is painful. This moron is a disgrace.


wasn’t this guy indicted yesterday?

Good evening, America. Contrary to my brother, I did not just snort a metric fuck ton of cocaine.

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Frat boy trump is up

WTF is with his flag pin?

of course

Take a knee? Drink!