The 2020 Republican National Convention: There will be blood. And soil.

Donald is at home watching and is like hey, her name is trump too



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Jesus this is boring

This has nothing to do with being a compromise, that’s my position. Our goal should be that there are no abortions because people feel that they cannot afford to provide for a child - there should be programs so that they know that they will be able to provide for them. There should be no abortions due to unwanted pregnancies because of a lack of contraceptives. Democratic policy in these areas tends to lead to fewer abortions, anyway, regardless of whether it’s the net goal.

My point is that our goal should be to protect womens’ rights, but decrease the actual number of abortions. No women want to be in a position to have to make that decision, so the best thing that we can do is protect their rights AND protect them from ending up in that situation.

I have a close friend who had an unwanted pregnancy despite taking the usual precautions. She would have been a single mother, she couldn’t afford to provide for a child, and she couldn’t figure out a way to make it work. So she got an abortion. She felt terrible, she felt guilty, and before long she regretted it because she wanted kids so badly.

Our goal should be for stories like hers to never happen.

As for reinforcing the perspective that it should not be taken lightly, it absolutely should not. It’s a major decision.

Fair enough. I agree they don’t care at all about actual suffering, or they’d do something for impoverished kids.

My perspective on this may be a bit different. I was adopted a birth, and I’ve never met my birth mother but I know that she was a single mom with three kids and could not afford a fourth. She chose adoption instead of abortion, and as a result I exist. If she chose abortion, I wouldn’t know the difference, but I’m alive and grateful for that.

Now, I don’t think anyone has any right to tell a woman what to do in that situation. Certainly not the government. But I also think it’s a very serious thing, a huge decision, and we should look to prevent abortions without limiting a woman’s right to choose what she does with her own body.


“we believe in the equality of opportunity” - donald trump’s daughter lmao


No way. One trillion is roughly 11,000 tons in weight


From quick skim math looked right

Citation needed on that dream excerpt

do they really say, “living the canadian dream” up there?

I’m not saying it could fly. I’m talking about actual physical space, if it was done in $100s

Mask themselves in the disguises of decency.

This is the most doublethink thing I have ever heard.

is “living the irish dream” a saying in ireland? lol it could be, i’m legit asking. it should be, why not

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Youd have to ask Clovis, I’m not actually Canadian

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Tiffany graduated into a massive recession and nobody who isn’t a Trump lover wanted to hire a Trump, and nobody who is a Trump lover wanted to hire someone on Team Marla Maples. If you can’t beat 'em, join 'em. Besides, at the rate positions are opening up, she could be like Chief of Staff or Press Secretary in a few months.

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No I’ve never heard it said ever.

lol my dad the MAN OF FAITH

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sure, sure. well i think we gotta give tiffany this one lol

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she didn’t say in god. i interpreted it as faith in his own strength of will

Tiffany looked a little sad as she finished, kind of like, “Welp, that’s that, I just sold my soul and I’m going to hell. Alrighty, then.”

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11,000 tons of $100 dollar bills isn’t fitting on 20 747s

Neighbour helping neighbours (as long as they are white).