Oh wait, CSPAN lets you listen to live audio. Bring on the CSPAN crackpots!
Sarah Cooper could have her biggest week yet
the republicans didn’t mention god once tonight
lol the next caller, “I agree with the previous caller.”
MSNBC is so fucking boring. Think they’re offering witty commentary, and it’s the most trite dogshit ever televised
CNN is pretty terrible but David Axelrod is really good, it should be just Woof and Axe, get rid of the rest of these bozos
Yeah like if I ever find myself in Ukraine I will definitely tour the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, but exposing my brain to this incoherent sludge is a hard no from me.
I know “say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos” is supposed to be a laugh line, but I’m beginning to think Walter had a point.
Well you got me there, nit
Oh God, Connie from Alabama who thinks Trump is the greatest president of all time is an authentic CSPAN whackadoodle.
Lol, pet peeve. My next project is policing “enormity”.
Didn’t know this one, thanks, will put this in my deck of nit grammar cards to play on people.
Irregardless is now a word. We’re probably on the same team.
we hate cops here, jackass
Although, Wiktionary says that “current usage is informed by enormous” but the two words have the same root, the Latin enormis, so this derived meaning of enormity seems on the money in any case.
Uh, I might have listened to your argument, but then you said Woof Blitzer should be on TV.
I’ve been getting heated recently about people saying/writing “very unique” or “somewhat unique” like there are variations