The 2020 Republican National Convention: There will be blood. And soil.

Doesn’t matter, every single Republican voter will either believe it or pretend to believe it.


You sound like a far left Democrat.


did you see the images of aoc and nancy pelosi hugging and smiling with those people tho? that’s what sold it for me. i mean, can you imagine??

lol trump2020, no pence. get pence out of that logo NOW

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from cotton to congress!

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this is… intermission? live shot of the white house

When have they called a Democratic nominee anything but a communist socialist Marxist liberal?

now it’s just dead air silence lol

every Trump voter I know believes it

I fear it’s over. yep caller time on cspan

Ummmm, did the director stroke out?


so i guess tim scott was the keynote

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there’s a colorful lightshow in front of the white house now, that just started. pbs doesn’t seem to know if they’re coming back to anything lol they cut the feed for 2 seconds then came back to the live shot of the white house

Man, I haven’t watched CSPAN cranks in like 15 years. I want to listen, but I have to register to log in.

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I thought POTUS was speaking tonight?

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and the light show ended. and it looks like pbs is ending the feed. i guess the light show was the keynote

liberals CANCELED him and now he CAN’T but he REALLY WANTS TO

No benediction? Well I guess we know who hates God

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