The 2020 Republican National Convention: There will be blood. And soil.

“i hear you”

Shutting down from work for the day. This worth tuning into or should I just read the last 200 posts?

Took action my aching dick


Also I just finished watching Taken in the background so I am primed for some CONSERVATIVE STRICT FATHER HYPE

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Neither. Save yourself.


Alright, X X X. Cannot watch this shit anymore.

Fuck this guy

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can you believe these liberals? discipline the shooter BEFORE he shoots my daughter! duh!

every red flag u can imagine, and Im against red flag laws


LOL no chance of that. I’m at least reading.

Read the Riverman posts for some highlights, and watch something else.

Taken 2 it is

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A Parkland shooting victim’s parent. Some people are absolutely hopeless.

I mean I feel like I was holding up pretty well laughing at the parade of grifters but this guy’s freaking kid got shot. What a monster.

All the red flags but of course It’s his right to buy those guns he used to murder my daughter!

trump removed restrictions for mentally ill people to buy guns on day 1 of his presidency, which could have saved this guy’s daughter’s life, if a mentally ill guy with a gun was nearby during the shooting


Lakers beating the shit out of POR, so I’m subjecting myself to this. Time for some gummies.

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Here they come.

Hoooooooly shit it’s the gun couple

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Yes! Finally gun pointing couple!

Wait they’re seriously going from the Parkland father STRAIGHT to the McCloskeys?

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Dropping out, gl to anyone still watching.