The 2020 Republican National Convention: There will be blood. And soil.

LMAO they’re all milling around shaking hands.

Meh. I’m definitely of the school of thought that it’s best to be at least mostly positive as a candidate, and have basically all of your surrogates and allies going HAM at the opponent. Biden keeping it light while Bernie goes HAM is great. Don’t want any of the more toxic Bernie Bros getting any fancy ideas about Biden being so bad that they might as well go Trump.


The Bernie Bros should listen to Trump when he says that Biden is a Trojan horse for socialism.

If fucking only, right?

how many of these dipshits on the south law will get covid19 and kick the bucket in the next month or so?



Not enough.


I regret picking that fight again.

The lesson is that R’s will accuse even moderate Dems of being socialists, so Dems might as well just go full-blown leftist, right?


Claire McCaskill is sad about a lot of the thing he’s done as president, but she will never forgive him for using the White House as a political prop. She is heartbroken.

Fuck off, Claire. Not heartbroken about the racism? You can forgive him for that? The COVID response?



Dems should at least go full progressive for this reason, which I’ve been saying since early in the primaries if not sooner - many of us have.

Is it that Democratic centrists are bitches who will always use everything they can to criticize the left wing of the party?

I think they could. And I think they will if and when they are ready to. Bernie had a plurality, but the moderate wing had a majority. But it was divided among a bunch of candidates. So when it looked like Bernie could win, the moderates mobilized behind Biden, figuring he had the best chance to win. I think a farther left candidate can succeed, but he or she has to bring some charisma to the table that Bernie didn’t really have.

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that’s wild

People think that fact-checking Trump is a hard job. I don’t think it is. Trump lies a lot, but he repeats the same lies over and over, so you just have to do the work on the initial lie.