The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

MSNBC said Trump spent a ton on Cuban radio.

No Idea.

If the needle is right about FL&GA then the polls were off by 5-6%.

Itā€™s a good think the eDems didnā€™t nominate Bernie.

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It wasnā€™t critical at all. Woulda been nice, though.

Masvidal went hard in the paint for Trump.

Thatā€™s the only celebrity Iā€™m aware of but Iā€™m sure there were more, beyond all the rappers.

Georgia needle just now:

Letā€™s not elect Bernie cause theyā€™ll say heā€™s a socialist


Biden doing really well in 3 or 4 suburban Ohio counties, like 20% better than Hillary.


The CNN dude saying ā€˜lotta funā€™ constantly regarding the election is tilting af


Very bad news for Senate. SC/GA look awful thatā€™s 3 seats that are probably gone.

At this point in 2016 I was freaking out. Much more zen right now, still think we got this.


Trump didnā€™t campaign to them at all in 2016, probably felt ignored at best and lumped in with his general hate towards Hispanics at worst. As President, he took a hard line on Cuba and Venezuela to appeal to them PLUS a massive dose of SOCIALISM!!! which I donā€™t remember hearing in 2016 at all.

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Gideon and Collins currently a tossup

Some NC results match what I was looking for, but not sure the mail-in vs in person skew.

Donā€™t look now, but we are drawing live to 269-269


Still a blowout if he can flip OH and the rest of the Midwest firewall.


Iā€™ve got GA/FL/OH on my most likely to have literal vote riggage list. When was the last time Rs lost a close race in those states?

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This is where my hope lies:

But itā€™s fading


Hard truth time, even NC isnā€™t ā€œcriticalā€, but there needs to be a result sooner or later that shows that the polls arenā€™t off by 5%, because if they are, I have four letters for us that we all know and love.