The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Fuck, Georgia just keeps getting worse with the needle. I’m assuming they’re accounting for where the votes are coming from. So fuck. fuck. fuck.

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There’s almost no way any poll breaks that out so finely.

However, if we can run up much higher turnout we have a shot.

Texas is going to be really close I think.

Any update on NC?

Does Trump have GA locked up?

Our best hope is a long draw out battle with PA?

Reasonable enough is not promising at all

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FLorida called for Trump

Not really understanding the Miami-Dade vote.

You can say Cubans want to vote for whomever is least like Castro. OK, but they why did it break so much harder for Hillary. Why do they think she’d have been far less “socialist” than Biden?

Underperforming in GA is a real kick in the teeth with two senate seats up. I really thought we had a chance :(

There’s the NC drop!

They kept their polls open an extra 45 min, so they won’t be an early barometer after all.

While also a bit of a unique case, CBS showed numbers that had Biden up with puerto Ricans something like 70/30

Shit this is looking bad.

I suppose Florida was a coinflip but still. It was pretty critical. Not PA critical but critical nonetheless.

FL is done, but NC finally started counting.



Needle still at <1% reporting so i dont know what to feel

Just looked at a random rural TX county that has the most vote in (79% in Randall County). Trump is running 6.5 points behind his 2016 margin. Not sure if those types of counties will swing as much between early and in-person voting.

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Well trump is winning GA seems like so NC seems unlikely too.


Insane, Trump somehow got a massive amount of new voters. This country is completely fucked.

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Maybe there’s 200k ballots piled up under desks at the post office still


This encapsulates Biden as a candidate.

I’ve felt a sense of foreboding all day.

Is that all early?