The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Miami Still waiting for mail in. So how is it 84% reporting?

Florida was a 5 point polling miss in 2018 and Democrats wafflecrushed.


Iā€™m am going to watch some reality TV w the wife. Otherwise going insane. Will be back after 9 edt. I think we are going to buy and remodel a couple of lake houses. Might peak on after the first episode.

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Upshot having 6 needles is fantastic.

ā€œJoe Biden is the first Democrat since Jimmy Carter in 1976 to win Duval County (Jacksonville).ā€


Which direction?

We are apparently still waiting for mail in votes in FL. Maybe all is not lost.

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CNN says Miami-Dade count is mostly in-person.


Virginia called.

Looks like Miami dads are trending Trump.


we know mail will break hard for Biden. Donā€™t call it a comeback!


Havenā€™t checked in for a couple of hoursā€¦ Did we lose?

Still almost nothing from Orange, they still have it red lol

Not gonna panic just yet. Trump won FL by 1.2% itā€™s still within Bidenā€™s range to do that here.

I assume itā€™s mail in that arrived today or recently, as FL counts them as they come in

I mean either way, Trump has 125k more votes in Miami Dade than he did in 2016. How the fuck does that even happen?


Death Diving followed by Table Shuffleboard World Championships and then Pogo World Championships on ESPN2 for me.

Maybe I should be drinking. Fuck.

The issue is we really donā€™t know what is mail in/early vote vs Election Day right now. Weā€™re used to seeing trends early in prior years and we have to know thatā€™s just not going to happen. We have to be patient and see what happens. We can all meltdown or celebrate together later.


im gonna throw up