The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

What the fuck

It was fucking delicious. :)

Florida looking lost. Needle has it at 2.2 Trump. Time to focus on Georgia

Why is anyone watching the needles

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They just ask to be the last to be deported.


Most states have a few cities and suburban counties where the Democratic candidate wins by large margins, and then a lot of rural counties with low populations that overwhelmingly vote Republican. The Democrats need to win the cities and suburbs by a large enough margin to overcome the rural vote. Biden is significantly underperforming in the largest city in the state compared to how Hillary did in her loss.

Jesus Christ at Trump on track to win FL by 3.3 right now. How the fuck is this happening again. At least a 5 point polling miss in FL.

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Eh, FL would have just meant the election was over. Itā€™s still over, but itā€™ll take a bit longer.


womp womp

Needle has FL at 88% trump now. They need to just stop polling FL forever. Lol polesters



Iā€™m pretty close to a complete meltdown right now.

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Needle for Georgia just moved to Trump territory.

Itā€™s happening again isnā€™t it


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NOV. 3, 7:26 PM

Yeah, one thing thatā€™s complicated about Florida is that Miami-Dade County has a pretty unique demographic makeup that may not make it terribly representative of the rest of the state or the country.

I think FL is gone but I donā€™t think it means a lot about the wider race.

I know its early, but this feels like 2016. Iā€™m starting to freak out. Georgia needle now redā€¦


Iā€™m not worried, Cubans and Venezuelans hurting us in Miami-Dade, shouldnā€™t correlate to the rest of the map much.

Not looking like a blue tsunami blowout in any event.

feels exactly the same except Iā€™m drinking scotch instead of jug wine