The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable


Most of these votes being reported are early/mail in.

getting log out just as we lose Florida. It’s happening

Texas and Florida going blue would eff up the Feng shui of ec maps.

jesus christ

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Where are you getting the FL info? TV? I still see Biden ahead in FL with 52% of the vote counted.

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GA Special Sen is like 36% Warnock 22% Loeffler, with 3% in, which pretty much means goodbye to any hope of no runoff.

Omg I made a joke about this in the vote thread. Who knew?

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Just getting on and missed last 1000 posts. What have I missed? Any returns? Any best links to go to follow it?

He’s not ahead enough, especially in Miami, and especially given that this is the early dem-leaning vote, and especially given that this doesn’t include the panhandle yet.

so far polls mostly looking alright–we knew both of those things coming in.

One has no votes reported though

At least there aren’t any Cubans in other states

Biden seems to be doing well with white olds relative to 2016 which is far more important

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Don’t look at statewide results until all counties have reported.

Nate Cohn



Trump opens as a clear favorite in Florida, especially after the Miami-Dade early vote.

The nytimes needle for FL is almost completely zero’d in on a republican win at this point. Biden would need miraculous unexpected E-day turnout to win it.

He underperformed Clinton in Miami-Dade by 10 pts.

Based on where the votes remaining are. It’s important which county has reported so far.

FL is gone. Cubans love a good strongman who might deport them.

Biden leading by a chunk in Jacksonville