The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

This is gonna be a good night. This already feels way different than 2016. In 2016 I was one of the first to start screaming at the rural returns in Kentucky.


Just to reaffirm he is awful.

He was literally peeing himself with joy as he hilariously interpreted nonsense exit polls as proving things were breaking for the republicans.

Next poles close in 14 minutes. Iā€™m not prepared

Big if true

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Sumter county in 13 minutes:

Less than 67 for Trump = Good for Biden


Lol at Biden being up by 50 fucking points in Lexington Kentucky with 51 percnet of the vote in.

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Just wait til the femail vote comes in.

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@marty is the t-shirt from the green brigade websiteā€¦ I seen the new stickers :joy:

This is about Bill. Donā€™t post this stuff

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do you think thereā€™s any correlation to non-florida trends if itā€™s over 67?

Santorum says heā€™s nervous. Doesnā€™t like the exit poll data.


Santorum just now ā€œthose are not good #s for Trumpā€

Even heā€™s shook right now.


Ellliot county - 43% counted

Trump 66.1% Biden 32.7%


Trump 70% Clinton 25.9%

Man looks like his mom told him she googled Santorum.


Might go down and get some for the pressys at Xmas :joy:

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I forgot how much I like to hate-watch Wolf on election night.


I canā€™t actually like this enough.

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Youā€™re responsible for an all-timer too though your personal involvement mightā€™ve left you with PTSD.

Trigger warning:

x if y

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I re watched ham Rove the other day and it just wasnā€™t as good as live when all the other channels were calling it and he was dug in.

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