The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Rick Santorum, really?

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For those of us who want a quick news source, can there be a thread with actual results and called states?

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This is the best thing I have seen in a really long time. Someone please post a clip. I want to see this so bad.

This probably should go in the betting thread, but Iā€™m having a ridiculous dinner for the election, and a couple guys walked in bragging about how they are going to Mar a Lago later. They post up behind me and start talking about election betting, and how they have placed bets on trump to win in Michigan and Pennsylvaia. Iā€™m fighting the urge to get surly and start trolling them

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Van Jones: Dems are motivated because Trump is an existential threat to democracy


Iā€™m falling behind, but they had the exit polling guy on Chris Hayes last night and he said a lot of their work has been contacting/trying to contact people that already voted. So, the exit polls wonā€™t just be based on canvassing Election Day in-person voters.



Glad to see CNN is on top of this issue that the rest of the world identified 3.8 years ago.

I finally have a moment to breathe and post.

I stopped by the big polling place in Lakeside, CA (deplorable central) to see how turnout was going. They said the longest line theyā€™d had was about 10 people, and it was just 2-3 people trickling in every few minutes.

There was a union guy there poll watching, said they had to turn away one family decked out in trump gear. MAGAts got mad and pitched a fit, left, and had not come back.

So, this is all a good thing because with a heavy R district, we donā€™t want tons of them voting today. The fact that turnout seems lower than expected is good for us, I think.

As of last night the district ballot totals had 39% R, 35% D, and the rest NPP or other. Weā€™re trying to fade 42% R, which would require about 50k more R votes today. Itā€™s all very fluid, but I like hearing that there arenā€™t lines of deplorable waiting to vote.


Not sure where to post these days so here it is here as diversion.

Start one up called ā€œResults Onlyā€ and define what you mean by results in the OP.

They keep on comingā€¦


So a nothingburger

Nice nice on those Nevada and Georgia and Biden updates.

What does Biden camp say about Texas???

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Is the worst part of the day (having to go through nonsense exit polls) over?

Edit: go to go jojobiden just released a new tiktok.

You donā€™t want to discover itā€™s a bunch of reedy sounding white guys?