The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

That forum isnt hopeless, they’ve evolved over time, but founder/owner can be a hothead with that stuff and the news parts were always more problematic than the sports part. I can still lurk the sports parts and was trying to post less on any forums anyways, so it was whatever.

Just to clear up the 2+2 stuff, yes Mat banned me. Im guessing he was looking for a reason. There were amazon reviews, but I hadnt really hidden them. At various times when chez and company were allowing just literal white supremacy and other assorted nonsense in unchained I had posted in threads to chez that hey man, im gonna post this in an amazon review. Maybe you and the 2+2 owners can think about how the forum is reflecting on your business. I had forgotten they were even there, they were months old when Mat found them. I took them down when he asked me to do so after making the point directly to Mat that hey, probably a bad look to let the white supremacists run free. But he was very clear it was a permaban and its his site. Chez was looking for a reason to ban me at that point anyways, so whatever.

Oh, and I didnt threaten to dox wil. What happened was wil had my real name from paying off a bet. Wil then tried to claim at some point that he “knew people that ran in my circle” so that I should be careful, hinting at certain information he had gotten from these people. Since this was wil, I knew he was full of shit and had just googled my name. So I did the same thing. No identifying information but hinting I knew where he worked because I also could use google. Wil later admitted he was lying and didnt know anyone, just had googled my name. Chez banned me for 5 days for doxxing.

Wil used to live in PA, and this is the worst timeline, so hopefully this doesnt end with Biden losing by 1 in PA.

Wont derail further, good luck tonight everyone


Listen here, buddy, this is MY shithole state and I like it.



What? No, it doesn’t. It falls to the officials in charge of the election.


lol yea, i saw it in a tweet because people were dragging them for it hahaha


Clark county in NV didn’t really turn out either today, still tbd if rurals also mostly early voted.

It’s 230 PM there. A lot of people vote later in the day.

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What’s happening here?

Went on my first beer run of the day. Wife has the car cause she’s a functioning productive human being, so had to make do with the neighborhood supermarket.

This seems to offer a desired effect:


This will be the trillion dollar questions: How much of the early voting is an actual increase in Democratic turnout? How much of it only cannibalized the election day voting because of Covid and highly motivated Dems that wanted to get it over with?

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This exit poles from CNN seem pretty worthless. They should just show an episode of Columbo until the first results start to come in.


that was the Florida market on election day 2016

Exit poles are worthless night of. Theyr’e only useful for figuring out crosstabs after they’ve been calibrated to the actual election results. Ignore them.