The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

I think they did…

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I don’t see anything wrong with letting their slappies watch, seems like unnecessary gas on an already huge fire

They want them within 6 feet. 100% they’re gonna harass, and some will become violent. Fuck that. Shit’s going slow enough already.


They weight the raw exit poll data to match the official vote when it comes in. It only makes sense if you believe the election is completely on the up and up which is a terrible assumption and why the Nates are marks. If the election is fair then the weighted exit poll data should provide insights into how certain demographic groups voted and why.

So for example this year, let’s say a precinct returns 2:1 Biden, but the exit pollsters get a sample of in-person that’s 2:1 Trump because of mail. They would scale the in-person sample to reflect 2:1 Biden result. I think it’s significantly more complicated than that with Bayesian weighting based on historical results, known makeup of the precinct, etc., but that’s the general concept.

Because it intimidates the workers. Imagine working in a restaurant and the person ordering the food stands behind you and watches. Just let them do their job.





Candidate Update 7 Update 8 Update 9
Trump 3,226,685 3,227,988 3,228,946
Biden 3,104,828 3,111,764 3,113,877
Gap 121,857 116,224 115,069
Votes added 12,954 8,239 3,071
Change in Gap (10,754) (5,633) (1,155)
Biden share of new 0.915 0.842 0.688

Dammit, get that “6” outta my face.


I’m ok with adding an extra $100M to the stimulus to bail out peach tree growers, Coca Cola bottlers, and the Atlanta Falcons.


trump has never gained the voting lead since that call lol but he says it’s obviously wrong and unjustified

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This would be so much worse if AZ was called for him or he was in the lead right now.

This was my wife’s take on every single person who mail in voted period. She’s going to hate all of you until we actually win this too. Good luck explaining to someone who works at a nurse that you were too scared of one relatively low covid risk encounter to make sure your vote counted. I tried that line and she wasn’t having it.

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Just got back from meeting. How is this not called. Jesus.

Trump needed last minute mail to look more like in person vote (cuz Rs not worried about their votes being thrown out) rather than early mail in votes (from Ds terrified of ballots arriving late). Seems clear that is not happening so think NV is all good.

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Thanks for doing these updates.


Retroactively take the superbowl back from NE and award to ATL


Are you getting any kind of push notification of an update, or just F5’ing NYT or something?