Someone mentioned it last night but I think NV just doesn’t want to be the tipping point state for whatever stupid reason.
This is insane. WI/MI/PA delivered like well over a million votes combined yesterday and now every state’s like “hey, we got 40,000 to count, we think we should have an update Monday.”
they could have loaded florida’s super fast counting machines on trucks and driven them to nevada by now
Trumpers never pay.
ha i know, him paying is the first step to me even considering repairing the relationship though so we will see.
GA down to +14k lead for Trump
Shocking that once the votes can’t be counted, the USPS suddenly has time to deliver them.
I got stiffed $600 once, hired a dude on 2p2 to collect for me, he made convincing nude pictures with this girl photoshopped in, she paid me $300, I let the rest go because I felt terrible about the method which has to be illegal.
Tell him you’ll accept a check but won’t cash it. Then get it framed and hang it on the wall so he sees it every time he visits.
So USPS can deliberately not deliver votes, in violation of a federal court order, and nothing can be done about it? They just don’t count?
Fuck that, deposit it electronically and still put the check on the wall!
Yes and USPS deserves all the hate here but why in the actual hell were people still putting ballots in mailboxes on SUNDAY???
Haha wat
D’s could sue to have them counted based on USPS shenanigans, but good luck getting the SCOTUS to agree to that.
Probably nothing can be done now. Next year, it would nice to see DeJoy go to jail, but it’ll never happen.
Dude said he was an expert debt collector and he lived in Canada. Did the job for a %. I didn’t ask.