The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

How are you still awake? :flushed:


Alright, well in that case I’m going to go with my part of the state kicked his part of the state’s ass. But hey maybe this time he was like, “I voted for the senile communist.”

They made it sound like 17k was the latest update but they had now gotten down to 14k.

whew, loving the reference from one of the better SNL eras

I napped for around an hour. There was more free money on PredictIt. This is turning into one of my all-time great degen gambling stories on top of the election itself lol…


god i hate these fucking people


Nice!!! Would be good for you to rake in some money after this year’s losses. A symbolic way to raid Trump’s coffers before he disappears.


Excuse me, what do you think you’re doing here? Shouldn’t you be like getting people to cure ballots, watching them get counted, or camped outside a certain someone’s beach house with a telephoto lens?

Issa isn’t going to get wrecked all by himself now…

Yeah well we’re not feeling too bullish on your district level polling streak there Dave.

All of these are good lol. I haven’t seen a single Count that didn’t make me chuckle.

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The Count is the GOAT sesame street character. Hands down. Come at me, bros.


They said it’s been coming in 80-85% for Biden so if 17k not reported at 80% that’s 10k more off the lead from Fulton alone.

Then hopefully Dekalb and Cobb can bring us the rest of the way home.

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seriously tho, Wasserman knows he’s got a million people reading him right now and he comes up with that cryptic bullshit after basically being total horseshit with his polling


My dude, we had one day of shorter hours. I helped recruit vols today for ballot observation and curing, went to the ROV for a short shift, came home and am relaxing before spending all day there tomorrow.

No sitting on the beach until at least Nov 16th :joy:


Biden gonna fall short in PA?

Google vince meme generator and it’s one of the first few results.

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Yeesh, it’s already time for our Euro contingent to wake up and start commenting?

Time is a flat circle


can we stop the count please? we have the presidency won at this precious moment. stop the count. i’m going out there with a team.

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Based on what? Everything I’ve seen we’re cruising to a comfortable victory there.

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