The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Fulton county on CNN right now saying about 14k ballots left to count

Doing about 3k/hour rate

I guess what we don’t know exactly is if the latest update is with 14,000 remaining or if the numbers were input with, say, 17,000 remaining.

Watch out, Cuse.


I think formally, NC is punting until they get more mail in votes that still qualify but that were received after election day. They more than any other swing state accept later mail in ballots.

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Does Trump have enough money to pay these attorneys to file all of these bullshit suits?

Between campaign being busto and Trump skipping on the bill in every scenario, why the fuck would any lawyer, let alone a competent one, do it. Unless they’re true believers, I can’t think of what the incentive might be.



PA was updating every 20-25 mins or so but there’s been nothing for a few hours now.



This system is so dumb it makes me wanna dig the founders up and kick all of their sorry asses.



Here’s another thought I had as I was replaying elections in my mind. Looking at only presidential elections from 2000 onward, what is the most WTF state result you can think of? My #1 is Obama winning Indiana in 2008. Indiana is like a more deplorable Ohio and somehow GOATbama won it. I can’t think of a bigger shocker in the last 20 yrs.


Seriously. I want to to back in time and kick Alexander Hamilton straight in the nuts.

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AZ still counting, probably gonna be done within 24-36 hours would be my guess
NV taking a personal day
NC finished counting what they have so far, but their deadline for ballots to arrive is 11/12 and they’ll count those at some point (not sure if it’s a set day or as they arrive)
PA still counting (could be far enough to call it Thurs PM, Fri at the latest)
GA sounds like the state is calling it a night (lol Kemp) and Fulton is finishing counting

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Who says they actually have to initiate a recount to grift off of a recount?

No negotiating with domestic terrorists.

Fuck them and everything they stand for.

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Plus some of what they counted hasn’t been added to the tally, right?

MSNBC shitting all over 538’s pollster ratings, which has some merit, but without mentioning Selzer nailing IA Trump +7, is disappointing. Selzer continues to be srs biz.

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They stopped updating last night and resumed in the morning I think, or at least Philly did.