The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

if i don’t get any news soon i will tell you that Trump went from 1:10 dog to 1:7 on betfair in the last 45 minutes.

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What did you get?

Dutch Bros is pretty bad, though I will sometimes get it when I have to do overnight shifts and I want the combination of sweet and caffeine (get it half syrup or whatever and it’s plenty sweet).



You won’t believe what I saw earlier. I’ve had it on for awhile, kind of just background noise at this point. Well I go to this tab in Chrome and I saw the most wild thing. Someone was just sitting there on break having a snack. Just a bunch of crazies in there!

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i only get burger animal style with chillies. I don’t like their fries and (sorry) i hate american cheese.

probably should have lied.

CNN reporting Biden only 23,000 behind in Georgia now. No word on Ossoff.

See TheDuker’s post above. They have to match signatures, observed by poll watchers from both parties. It sounds painstaking.

Perdue down 3 basis points to 50.07.


One thing I was thinking about is given the way Texas ended up, Beto’s loss to Cruz was a GOAT-level D performance for TX. That’s just about the ceiling for Dems in TX until 2030 I’d say.

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How are these any different from other mail-in votes? Other states (and probably Georgia too) counted way more yesterday than the amount left all day.
There shouldn’t be any difference between the first mail-in vote counted and the last unless i’m missing something.

NYT has that update, out of Fulton. Perdue is now at 50.077%.

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That’s like my exact order, except I get cheese.

I also request cut in half as it’s easier to eat.

They’re not. Mail-in votes take a long time to count. Maybe some states are slower/have less workers.

Thanks. I closed my NYT tab a while ago in favor of the GA SOS, but the latter isn’t updating.

So, I’m a bit behind, and while I’ve been doomscrolling rather than strictly grunching, I’m not super clear on the start of thigns. AORN:

AZ: still counting?
NV: playing craps?
NC: fuck it, getting Cookout?
PA: still counting?
GA: some counties counting, some hitting the strip clubs?

Is that about right?

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You mean they’ll make money

Recounts are an opportunity to grift donations

oh right. NC just went “eh, close enough” yesterday and that’s it?

Yeah we’re gonna get more results out of AZ and PA tonight hopefully, the others not so much.

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How can it be that the Governor or the SoS can’t just call the local PD and get enough muscle out there to move those assholes in Phoenix out to a comfortable distance? The Mayor is a Democrat. She can’t help out?