The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Anyone have the deets of that race in terms of runoff based on whom else got votes and where they might go before factoring in a bajillion dollars in campaign money?

i’m from york county. it’s pretty deplorable but there are some areas with some hope, or atleast it was 15+ yrs ago when i left and never went back.

i did not grow up in the hopeful area. my 2500 person school had 4 people of color.

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Per NBC, the crowd in Phoenix was chanting, “FOX news sucks!” They’re pissed at the early call.

So what you’re saying is, we can find some common ground? It’s a start.


Ok. I’ll go to bed and stop getting nervous about PA since no experts are. Like I said, the numbers I’m looking at would imply a lower turnout in Philly County than 2016, and that strains credulity.


I’m skeptical of the 78.4% of mail-in number because it’s been the same forever, with only ~1m votes.

I think Nevada just really really doesn’t want to be the state that calls it for AP and FoxNews. They’re trying to wait out PA.

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Nate did call this scenario two weeks ago:


Could not be more out on all the “here is now is could be 269-269, lol 2020!” assholes on twitter


Great point. I forgot not all counties report them separately. I will start freaking out again now lol.


The hard part about PA is wrapping your head around the Philly margins. Literally 10:1 Biden. If you’re like me your brain won’t let you accept that without like 3 rounds of “wait that really is the math.”


So I lied about CA-50, mainly because i forgot.

In 2018 after election night results were counted, Ammar was EIGHT points behind, not four. So if we make up the same amount this year as we did last time, we have a chance.

Turnout is already higher, which theoretically helps.


Another son, Eric Trump, whose wife, Lara, has been heavily involved in campaign activities, spoke at a news conference in Philadelphia, alongside Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former New York mayor.

Has this video been shared here, because I just see it!


Why not?

It’s been over for half a day

Anyone done a comparison of expected PA turnout (looking at Wisconsin/Michigan as comparison) to see how many votes are approximately still out?